iamleeg's reviews
319 reviews

Walden Two by B.F. Skinner

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Second-rate political theory masquerading as third-rate fiction. Teenage me would have sucked this up as he consumed Engels, Plato and other discourse on utopia.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

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It's getting to the point where I can nearly recite this book, but I still enjoy reading it.
Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship by Robert Baden-Powell

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I came to this for the timeless advice on scouting, but mainly found information on the perils of masturbation and mouth-breathing. Still, it's an interesting read, and B-P is slightly less of a jingoistic native-shooting lion-eater than I had expected.
CQRS: The Example by Mark Nijhof

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Good content, not the best presentation. A going-over by a proof reader could make this a great book.
Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma by Eric Saward

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As other reviewers have noted, the novelisation has a very Douglas Adams feel to it. It's not just a depiction of the TV series, which in this case is a good thing.