iamnotacentipede's reviews
146 reviews

Powerless by Lauren Roberts

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I have come to recognize that TikTok or BookTok are just not places for me personally to find books that I'll enjoy.

Was this the worst thing I have read? No. Was this by any means creative and kept me enjoying the journey all the way through the read? Also no.

To sum up my experience with this was trash and painful. This was a whole book dedicated to "how many tropes can I fit in" assignment. Nothing seemed original and everything about this just left me feeling like I was reading a fanfic.

There are so many spelling and grammatical errors, nothing really mattered in the plot as it went at such a slow pace and the only focus was on the building love interests.

The characters were as bland as unseasoned chicken, and honestly this wasn't a great time for me.

I'll end this on a 2 star read because at least there were moments of enjoyment but overall I think this book is so hyped up for no reason and ultimately this was just cringe.
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

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I'm starting to really really love picking these up in between something heavy because they provide just a fun whimsy that lets your brain reset to something of childhood.

I know these are middle school books but I still very much enjoyed them, and that's the whole purpose of reading!

I was still caught up in the story, and the adventure was just as gripping from the first book. I will say that this was a little more timed in the pacing since the first book got right into things since the start of the read and this book has more of a wait until the 3/4th mark to hit all the action.

I still very much had a great time with this. Some things I will note is that I felt like this book had more spelling/grammatical errors than the first (at least from what I was able to notice) and the repetitions of Tyson's nickname from Percy was starting to grate on me near the end. 

But overall these were so minor that I really couldn't knock anything off for my grading scale and it only kept to the theme and energy of this world. Still giving this 4 stars but I did enjoy the first book more.
Manacled by SenLinYu

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The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai

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Oh man, where do I even begin?!!???....

I'm currently writing this after crying over several chapters and the acknowledgements. 

I appreciate the author for writing this book on a topic that was so taboo and effected a whole demographic of people that we as society try not to shed light on.

This was so moving and thought provoking that I know it'll be carried with me.

The only criticism I have for this was I didn't personally enjoy Fiona's side of the story (I was much more invested in Yale's journey) and I felt like her side didn't really lend much to the book until the very end.

Overall this was amazing, but will emotionally wreck you until all you want to do is cry and throw your book across the room.
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez

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My only complaints about this book is that the romance was only done over the course of a few days and that parts of the ending seemed that it didn't need to be there for me personally.

Other than that, this is an amazing book. I was so absorbed into it. The characters were so authentic and the story just pulls you in over and over again. 

Rounding up to 5 stars on GoodReads because I really can't in good faith round it down.
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

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This was a shocking and sad look into a reality of a celebrity who ultimately was manipulated by her family to pursue a life she did not want.

It shines a light on how toxic not only "Hollywood" is but also how toxic families can be even when not being apart of the fame and fortune lifestyle.

This was a sad book, and you feel for the author in a way that I thought I wouldn't resonate with. But if anyone has even a shred of empathy or understanding that your family can fuck you up it's the perfect read.

I loved the pacing and the cadence of the chapters, and it was a very easy book to get through even if the content was heavy. When it was over I did want to cry, though I didn't, just because you have this hope that someone can rise above their situation.

In the end this was a 5 star read and makes me want to pick up more books from celebrity authors to see their perspectives of how things in their life are instead of how it's perceived by the media and general public.
King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard

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This book was like if Indiana Jones and Game Of Thrones had a love child.
It was an action packed adventure full of fun.

I will say that I enjoyed the first part of the book more than the second part and there were times when it felt like things were being drawn out a bit. 

Also, be warned that there are some sexist and racist views because of the time period it was written along with some "old timey" language.

Ending on a 3.75 star (rounding up to 4 stars on GoodReads) because I did have a good time reading it.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

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This book is like that friend that is long winded but always filled with stories and when they hug you it feels like home and comfort. And sometimes when they tell you a story it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere, then in the end it all kinda comes together in a perfectly "them" kinda way.

There are some things in this book that don't have concrete answers, more just things to keep the story flowing. Lots of metaphors and images so if you don't like those style of books I would stay away from this one.

But by the end I was emotional for no other reason than it felt like I went on a long journey and still found hope at the end.
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

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I think I'm gonna end this on a 4 star read though honestly it falls between that and a 3.75.

I felt like the ending chapter was so bland compared to the rest of the book. Like it honestly wasn't satisfying at all in comparison to how the book was setup and the pacing. Also, the love story of it was kinda a mess since it seemed like a matter of fate and very insta-love once you find out this really only happened over the course of a few weeks.

I will say that the writing was gorgeous and honestly for 97% of the book I was invested. I felt like the magic system was interesting even though it wasn't fully explained, it seemed very realistic to the time. And I loved the setting both in time period and country.

This was my first book by the author and I'm excited to read other of her works.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

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I love that this was a "short story" so to speak, I say this because you would think that the pacing of the book would be quick since in total it is under 200 pages. But I found that the pacing was still enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, to see what is going to happen next, to feel that sense of unease as trouble happens in this town.

I believe that this book still holds some relevance to current issues and feelings that humans still struggle with today, and that makes it a work of art that will pass through the generations.

Now, I will say that there are some gaps in this story. Some are for sure on purpose to allow you to fill in as a reader the horrors or unease or allow the book to play out more in your own mind. But because of this it also doesn't explain a lot of what else is going on in the story, you are given more general facts or vague descriptions of events.

Also, this book still has some of the classic writing style so if you struggle with that or do not enjoy that then this might not be the book for you. But I will say as someone who is not an overly classic reader this was refreshing and a wonderful read.

Ending my review on a 4.5 star (rounding up to 5 stars on Goodreads) for some of my small critiques but overall this was fantastic and would recommend this as someone who wants a book to make you think as much while reading it as you do after you put it down.