icedpinecones's reviews
193 reviews

Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood

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I actually finished this yesterday! Another mini banger, with some v iconic demi rep
Lemon by Kwon Yeo-sun

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While the writing, premise and layout of the book and its chapter system was interesting and enveloping to me, the plot itself felt... Missing?

I'll backtrack, the book is based on a cold case. Girl murdered, case goes cold, sister wants to find out the truth (or at least that's the premise the blurb leads you to). There's never really a conclusion, a solid "this is what happened" or closure for the protagonist, I'd argue this is more of a story of coming to terms with grief and loss and how life can be unfair. While the truth is hidden in the novel and I can roughly piece together what happens, you definitely need to go in knowing that this isn't a crime thriller of finding out the truth and more so an emotive portrait of trauma.

A Duel with the Vampire Lord by Elise Kova

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RTC but this was iconic (or I am just REALLY biased to anything involving vampires)
Not So Kind Regards by Clio Evans

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Yeah it's smut don't @ me it was good too
The Traitor Queen by Danielle L. Jensen

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The first book was nothing special but solid, and while this one too was good and expanded on the cast unfortunately the final act was just so short compared to the build up. Both the prior book and this book eluded and outright showed the ongoing war but it felt like nothing really came of it.

If you haven't read much fantasy, are a fan of acotar and books similar to acotar you'll love this! Unfortunately it was just a bit too short for me but I will listen to the next audiobook and hopefully get some closure!
Magic All Along: Poetry about Inner Child Healing by Cheyenne Bluett

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Cheyenne is probably one of the most underrated poets I've ever read.

She writes truths and expresses it in so many beautiful ways, and despite all the poetry I've read not one has lined upto her caliber of penmanship.

This book is one exploring inner child healing, and while 'the moon sends her love' is still my absolute favorite? This was stunning. Gut wrenching, heartbreakingly realistic on what it's like to have a broken relationship with your family and the conflicting emotions on to heal it or to move on from it. It expresses early childhood and the affects family life can have on yourself as an adult and furthers the idea of nurturing and healing your inner child!

These books deserve to be on shelves everywhere, carried in bags when you need a reminder that someone else has been through the same and it'll be okay, chey is just an angel and we love her!!
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

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Forgot how traumatising this book is