You know a book is great when you catch yourself thinking about it when you’re not reading, and sneaking in pages every chance you get! This was one of those books, I loved it so much!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Yes, yes, yes! This book is just perfect! I love Collin and Harper so much, they’re amazing. They’re so cute together, it’s the best. I read way past my bedtime, I just didn’t want to stop this story. All of the good vibes, all of the feels!
This whole series makes me so happy, it’s so good!
This book has so many goodies, it’s hard to pick my fave! The love, the chocolate, the family, the drinks, the fake engagement turned real marriage of convenience turned love, the playing with toys, it was all so good!
I kept switching between ebook and audio, and you can’t go wrong which one you pick. Just make sure you read it!
I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book
I loved this book so much! Hayden and River are both amazing, and they’re so good for each other. I loved all the cute and giddy moments as their relationship developed, and how they could lean on the other during harder moments. It was also great that just because they found each other, it didn’t mean their traumas just magically disappeared. The story had a great balance between dealing with the more serious parts and having the sweet and steamy moments too. So good!
And I’m so curious about Quinn, so happy his story is up next!
I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
When I pick up a Layla Reyne book, I know the suspense plot will be great. That’s exactly what I needed when I started What We May Be, and it was so good! I loved it! The romance felt a bit more like a subplot to the story, but that didn’t make it less enjoyable. Sean, Trevor, and Charlotte are clearly soulmates, they’re just amazing together!
I love Rush and Hunter so much! This was the best book in this series so far for me, it was so good! Having a brain that works different than most, can be so frustrating, and it’s amazing when someone actually tries to work with you. Just like Hunter does with Rush. They’re both such good people, and they fit so well together. Love, love, love!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I loved this book! I love the fake relationship trope, and The Husband Hoax was great. Émile and Christian were amazing together, giving each other support dealing with their family members. The friend group is amazing, the perfect found family! Can’t wait to keep reading this series, it’s so good!