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islaislit's reviews
70 reviews
Blood Orange by Karina Halle
Ok so I downloaded this on KU on a dark romantasy binge and read the first few chapters and had to stop myself because my TBR is so long! But honestly I think it’s because I knew I was going to love this book so much. Halle has a way of describing feelings in such a lucid way and the smuuuuuuut? I literally texted my friends SO FAST when I started free falling into the plot. I finally got back into finishing it a couple of days ago and wow, just fucking wooowww. This is the type of story I like; not everyone gets a happy ending and so many twists! Amazing amazing amazing
Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood
I always appreciate how informative and thorough Ali is about whatever career her character is in. What I did not like is how often Mallory’s little sisters (12 and 14? Maybe?) talked about sex, especially about her sex life!! Little kids might know about sex and make jokes but not to that extent. I felt like it made the sisters feel like they were supposed to be adult friends of Mallory. There’s no way they would ask a “coworker” if they’re gonna fuck their sister ???!!!????? I have 2 little sisters myself and I cannot even talk about anything like that with them and they’re 14 and 18.
As always, lots of technical info in the book, I felt like nothing special was happening for 100 pages. I felt like the book could’ve been shorter. I didn’t understand her issue with Easton, if you’re best friends with someone you can definitely call them! Also how was Oz going to be the one to slap some reality into her then he barely gets any recognition afterwards?? And Emil and Tanu??? Two important characters that shaped her career MORE THAN EASTON completely not mentioned again after she leaves NY???? The ending felt rushed with too much unnecessary commotion in the middle.
As always, lots of technical info in the book, I felt like nothing special was happening for 100 pages. I felt like the book could’ve been shorter. I didn’t understand her issue with Easton, if you’re best friends with someone you can definitely call them! Also how was Oz going to be the one to slap some reality into her then he barely gets any recognition afterwards?? And Emil and Tanu??? Two important characters that shaped her career MORE THAN EASTON completely not mentioned again after she leaves NY???? The ending felt rushed with too much unnecessary commotion in the middle.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
I…don’t even know where to start with this book. I’ve never finished a book and quickly written a review for it. This book…left me feeling lost, empty, and light. So many highlighted passages, so many words about love in ways I’d never thought of. Reading this felt like I was immersed in their world, I was there every day with Patroclus, I was Patroclus. I didn’t want to leave this world and now that I’ve come back down to earth and know that this is just a book, a story, I feel unreal. Like I’ve just woken up from a beautiful dream. BUT ANYWAYS yeah pls read it. So amazing. Idk what else to say, I feel too numb rn
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver
Okay so I listened to the audiobook first and it really turned me off from the book