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isovector's reviews
410 reviews

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer

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A fun book and good introduction to mnemonic techniques, but I found it to be more of an exercise in storytelling rather than a how-to of remembering everything.
Computational Philosophy of Science by Paul Thagard

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Instead of being about the computational philosophy of science, this book describes a data definition language and corresponding computer program for problem solving, but, as far as I can tell, neither are useful for anything. /Extremely/ contrived examples are used to showcase the power of the system, but the correlations drawn are completely arbitrary and would be indistinguishable from noise in a real application.
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

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Just read the commentaries after each chapter -- they're much better at describing the concepts than the actual chapters are. As a young, upwardly mobile software developer with more money than I know what to do with, but little love for investing, I found nothing relevant to my interests after chapter 10.