itsjusttrish's reviews
144 reviews

Broken by Daylight by Elizabeth Helen

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I need the next part NOW 😭😭
Sterling Heat by L.B. Dunbar

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The CONSTANT will they won't they really isn't my thing. I figured by 70% in we had to be close to over it but NOPE it really went all the way til the 95% mark before they figure their shit out.

The characters gave me major whiplash too. Sebastian was clearly devoted to Enya way before they finally stopped the their cat and mouse bs.. but then he'd quickly decide he didn't deserve love? And it was a never ending repeat of that cycle for FAR too long.

Loved the twist at the end but we could have easily cut out like 70ish pages from this book.

Also the WVU shout out at the end definitely gave it an extra half point 🤷‍♀️
Two Times The Trouble by Stephanie Brother

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It was "meh" at best. The plot lines have all been done before and instead of the author bringing new life to a timeless troupe- it felt like they watched one too many rom-coms and smashed them all together into a recycled trash bin of never ending writing. 

By the end I was so tired of the FMC monolog that I was basically beating my head against the walls and praying for the damn book to just end already. 
Beating Heart by Laura Pavlov

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I wanted to love this one so much more than I did. The romance part, for me, fell really really flat. I truly didn't see the chemistry between Nash and Emerson at all. They felt forced at times. 

I feel like the author had a hard time balancing a huge cast of side characters and their relationships with the main characters while allowing the main characters to shine. It felt distracting at times and there were definitely throw backs to previous books that caused me to be completely lost because I'd only read the first book in this series. 

There's no way you could jump into this series with this book and not have to skim past parts because it expects you to know the lore. 

Then you have the Cutler problem. 

Now I love Cutler with my whole heart but I can truly say I think Emerson was more into being his step-mom than she was into being with Nash. 

It fell flat for me. The book definitely had issues with balancing a lot of things but the lack of belief I have in the romance part is really want kills it for me. 
Hopeless by Elsie Silver

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Being number 5 in the series, this book EXPECTS you to know 5 books worth of lore. Especially in the beginning. Luckily I've read 2 others in the series so I knew mostly what was going on but I would 100% not call this a standalone book unless you want to be pretty confused at first. 

That being out of the way, I will say I was super excited to read Beau's story and it hit in some places... and really missed in others.

While I absolutely love Bailey and I love their relationship. There were times I was finding myself a bit bored.. Especially when it came to the parts when it was VERY clear they needed to end the "fake" relationship and it took about 10 more chapters to get to that bit.

Also the "will they won't they" towards the end felt pretty unnecessary for how utterly obsessed they were with each other (especially Beau?? Like he
bought a whole bar for Bailey and I'm supposed to believe he's hung up on moving to the city??
) it felt like drama for the sake of drama and tension which wasn't needed at all. 
Ashes of You by Catherine Cowles

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I really enjoyed this one but felt like some places were really drawn out for no reason. Or maybe it was just that I was more interested in the "who's the killer" part of the book and less into the romance. Lawson and Hallie were definitely cute but they're not my ✨️it✨️ couple. They definitely lack a certain spark to take them all the way to a 5 star spot.
The Spider & the Storm by Kelsey Kingsley

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dark emotional hopeful reflective sad medium-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


I knew going into this book that I should expect my heart to be ripped out. Saving Rain was (and still is) one of my very favorite books and this one is a great follow up story.

I will say though that the romance fell flat. The real hero of this story and the reason I love it so much is the brotherly bond. I FELT for these characters. I sobbed and grieved right along with Charlie.

If you're ready for a therapeutic cry fest this is definitely the book to read.
Priceless by Devyn Sinclair

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
I just CAN'T with the book. I knew going in that the FMC was heavier and therefore it'd be a main topic.. little did I expect for it to be the only topic.. 

I'm tired of reading about it at this point. It's all they talk about. It's getting boring af, there has to be more to Ocean than this.. 

I was literally so excited for this book and it's such a let down. Not only do we get a parrot of Ned Fulmers "My Wife" line every 3 paragraphs, we get no energy or passion between the main characters at all. I can hardly believe they like each other further than biology because they never talk about more than surface level things or Oceans weight.. 

I wanted to love but just can't. 
Broken Omega by Romy Lockhart

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Too damn slow and truly it's boring af. Had to get 25% in for things to pick up just to find out it's a double omega situation and the one omega is immediately put off by the FMC. I'm not looking for that type of tension rn so dnf.
Heat Hesitation by Birdie D'Avo

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There's so many small problems that slowly added up to me not liking this book as much as I could have. It felt like it was dragging in some parts where I just wanted the next thing to happen already to move the plot foward..