iwritetragedies's reviews
92 reviews

Oblivion by Anthony Horowitz

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I've looked for this book for 5 continuous years. Part of me wishes my friends never found it for me. I would say I'm a quick reader but this book took me almost a week to get through, the number of misery breaks I had to take and tears I've shed are off the charts. I remember reading an interview for Horowitz before the book was published, he said the ending wasn't going to be a happy one, he omitted mentioning that the entire book was going to be one misery after the other. The suspense, the writing, the character development, it takes you there, forces you to become one with the characters. The ending wasn't my favourite thing though.. not because of how it is, I didn't expect it to be a fair tale, but it didn't feel right, not convincing enough.. but I guess the ENTIRE book makes up for that. I also felt like there were 2-3 plot holes while I was reading.. and maybe if I ever get the heart to read this series again I'll write them out... but pain is just too great right now, and the fact that so many of events are so close to things happening in real life doesn't make it any better. I was not happy with the way some of the ethnic minority were written out with all these stereotypes, some of it was even offensive, belittling people's believes and ideologies... I guess that's a thing the author has because I noticed it in Alex Rider as well.. and the repetition of info in that one book was sort of annoying too, you don't need to remind us every 3 chapters what the dream world is... or how their powers work. I wish you could give it like 4.5 but since you can't give half stars I'll settle for 4.
Angelfall by Susan Ee

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I honestly don't know what to say.
I read this book in literally one sitting, I haven't done that since a very long time. Honestly, it felt like a fanfiction, like it was fiction written by a fan about another story....like the dialogue and the stuff the protagonist does... also Idk if it's because I've just started watching the show a couple of months ago, but it felt like a huge chunk of Supernatural, in a way.
I mean I would read the rest of these books just to find out what happens, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that an author wrote and published this! and not just some teen on the internet.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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Unexpected. Loved every plot twist and every metaphor.
Can't wait for the sequels.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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I can think of no other reason why my friend would recommend this book to me except that she hates me.
If felt like the author was feeling lonely & was going through a dry spell in her romantic life that she decided to write a book in which she can pretend she's too beautiful for her own good and have all the men fall for her.
Trained from the age of 8 and literally everybody's able to sneak up on her... She's scared of everything and can't do anything right to save her life 🙄
Nobody should have to sit through 404 pages of that!
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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Left me breathless and wanting for more.
The fact that the author managed to put so much depth to these ruthless thieves and murderers, it just brings them to life.
Beautifully written, complex, complete.
Top of my recommendation list for sure.
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

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That was exciting. It was a nice read.
I know character development is important and all, but the change Kaz went through seemed odd to me. He's been in the barrel forever, Inej has always been around, so the weird phase of mistakes he had in the middle felt kinda odd... But he's so smart 😌
It's a great book, smart, exciting, realistic in a way. Everybody has depth, we're not only the obvious parts if ourselves.