izasballad's reviews
330 reviews

Mother's Instinct by Barbara Abel

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I've been meaning to read this book for ages, ever since I heard about the movie (Of course, I wanted to read it first before watching the movie). I got through the book pretty quickly. I liked the tone of the book in the beginning, and I quite liked the build-up of the story. It was fast-paced and very intriguing, so I was kept engaged. It is also predictable, which I don't mind if it is done well. However, the ending was rushed, fell flat, and lacked the thrill I was expecting. Overall, an average book at best. While it was enjoyable, it wasn't as great as I had hoped. I will still be watching the movie though. 
Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder

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I read this because the movie promotions piqued my interest, and I REALLY wanted to love this, but I didn't. I liked the premise of the book and the message it wants to convey. It offers an exploration of the complexities of motherhood; and how mothers are often stripped away from their own identity. The overwhelming nature of motherhood pressures women to stick to their role, suppressing their desires. The lack of names, and the narrator simply being "The Mother" and "Nightbitch" was chilling. It shows the dehumanizing aspects of motherhood, and how often they are reduced to that role, erasing their identity. 

Despite these, I couldn't enjoy and stay engaged with the book. Maybe, it's just me— perhaps, the humor is not to my taste or maybe, it's because of the writing. I just found it to be so repetitive and... boring? I would give this 1 star for my reading experience, but I'm adding another star because I think the message is still good, and this is still an overall good book (just not for me!) With that being said, I will still watch the movie! I think I would enjoy this better on the big screen.
Waiting for Ted by Marieke Bigg

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I was waiting for this to end!! It was very confusing, and the ending... uhm?? I love satirical and unhinged stories, but I was bored with this book the entire time. I understand what this was trying to convey, but it felt too flat.
One of the Good Guys by Araminta Hall

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I truly understand what message the author is trying to convey; however, it was handled too recklessly. The premise and first half of the book were interesting. They explore the side of "good guys" who are only called such because of their manipulative nature. I am trying to fathom how the ending was a good idea for such a sensitive message. We live in a society where women are continually accused of lying, and the whole plot twist does not help our case at all. I had no problems with the writing style, but the plot twist ruined this for me. If this were tackled differently, I would have liked it, especially given the themes it has.
First Love by Ivan Turgenev

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I am not going to lie—I didn't really enjoy reading this. I found the characters uninteresting and certain scenes irked me. However, I do understand why it is a classic. "First Love" delves into the world of adolescent infatuation. The story is raw, showcasing every emotion one feels when in love. I liked the direction of the book and how it raises points on the line between devotion and obsession. It is an exploration of love that reminds us of how intense love can be. 

Personally, a 1 read for me, but I gave it an extra star because of the points it made (and because I'm feeling kind)
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

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This was a light and enjoyable read! I usually can't stand overly cheesy books, but I enjoyed this. I admit that it is too cheesy, but sometimes we just need a silly little romance book in our lives! It's exactly what I needed for a quick read. I loved that there was no spice (!!!) and I loved the characters, except for Taylor and Robby (I hate them so much!) I'm not going to lie, I think that if I read this at the wrong time and mood, I would have hated this (The problems of being a mood reader) Overall, it's not the greatest romance book, but it was a fun and quick read.
The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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This edition also featured ‘The Rocking Chair’ and ‘Old Water.’ I loved this book. It was a thought-provoking read, tackling a range of themes, including patriarchy, mental health, obsession, and more. I admire authors who can pack so much depth into a short story, and Charlotte Gilman truly delivered. No wonder this is a classic!

"The Yellow Wall-Paper" shows us what can happen when we are denied agency. Moreover, it shows how downplaying mental illness can exacerbate the situation. The narrator's psychological decline is demonstrated throughout the story. Her mental health has been deteriorating, but her husband who is a doctor, continues to downplay it. He brushes off her interests and concerns while continuing to give her medication— completely taking control of her. She was confined both mentally and physically, every self-expression and power over her life has been removed, which creates a pathway to her downward spiral. The short story was not only powerful but also showcased Gilman's masterful use of language and symbolism

"The Rocking Chair" didn't stand out to me, but I do like the seemingly mocking tone it has on men obsessing over women. This obsession and jealousy between the two men became their downfall. It shows how obsession and desire can lead to destruction.

"Old Water" has similar themes to the aforementioned. I enjoyed this more than "The Rocking Chair." I don't want to delve into this more to avoid spoilers because the ending shocked me (but it was well-deserved LOL).
Abigail by Magda Szabó

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Abigail explores Gina's coming-of-age story during the tumultuous backdrop of a war. Having been the center of her father's life, Gina was devastated when he suddenly decided to send her away to a boarding school. She struggled to adapt to the strict rules and environment of the school. While staying at the institution, Gina found guidance in a statue named Abigail.

I had high hopes for Abigail after hearing so many good reviews and enjoying Iza's Ballad. Unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to my expectations. I don't hate it, but I was hoping for more. The writing was beautiful. It was able to paint the scenes of the characters and surroundings perfectly. Szabo was able to translate the symbolism she used to convey the message of the story perfectly, but my problem lies in the connection or tone of it. It just felt too distant (maybe, it's because of the translation?), so I wasn't emotionally attached to the story or characters. 

However, I understand why this has become a classic. The novel's exploration of identity, rebellion, and the impact of war is powerful. I appreciate Szabo's ability to show the devastating effects of war through subtle details. We can see how the conflict has shaped the choices of the characters, and ultimately the characters' lives. Despite my lack of enjoyment when reading this, I would still recommend this if the premise intrigues you. 
Play Along by Liz Tomforde

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I knew from reading "Caught Up" that I would adore Isaiah and Kennedy's book and I DID! I was hooked from the beginning until the end. I loved the characters, the tension, the dynamics, the banter, the raw and tender moments. I LOVEEEEEEE THE YEARNING. This book quite literally made me fall in love with love again. Their dynamic and relationship were so pure and perfect. I can't think of a single negative thing to say about this book, and that's saying coming from me (a complainer!) I hope Liz sleeps and eats well every day of her life because what did we do to deserve such a writer??? She continues to deliver with her books!!
Caught Up by Liz Tomforde

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To be honest, I wasn't that into the book at the beginning. Given the length of the book, I was hoping for a slower burn/build-up and yearning. Nevertheless, when the latter half kicked in, I was in for an emotional rollercoaster ride— I was crying my eyes out!! (Note: I cry easily and  I’m a total sap for these kinds of stories) This was supposed to be a 3-star read, but the story managed to tug at my heartstrings, so I added another star for emotional impact. Loved every character so much <3