jadereadsbooksx's reviews
316 reviews

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

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I loved this book, no question about it. However I did find myself skipping over the Simon Snow parts as I don’t feel that it did much in the way of pushing the story along, yes it helped but I don’t think that it was crucial and to be honest I couldn’t tell you anything about it because I skipped over it that much. That being said I immensely enjoyed this read and it was a great start to my summer reading as it got me properly in the mood to read more. The part that I enjoyed the most about this book was seeing the relationship between Levi and Cath grow and become something more. I also loved that I could 100% relate to Cath and Wren as I an identical twin myself and found myself agreeing with most of what was said about being a twin .
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I literally finished this book in a day. I wouldn’t say it is my favourite book I’ve ever read but I am definitely excited to see where these character go and what happens next because I have honestly no idea what could possibly happen.
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

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Bloody love this book. In my opinion it’s the best in the series along with the last one, which I have read at the time I am writing this.
It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne

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I read the first 100 pages of this book late at night and then I got up the next day and read the next 300 odd pages in one sitting. I would highly recommend this book, there is not much I can say to give it the justice it deserves but I am sure that if you pick up this book you will love it!