jadie205's reviews
48 reviews

Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess

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5 stars all the way!! I don't understand the bad reviews. Its a truly open minded book and very honest. Everybody is raised different and go through true struggles. I loved this book. Granted I've never tried to start my own business and have never been fired from almost every job iv'e had but this story was written honest. Its not something made up and couldn't happen to almost anybody. I can't wait to read the next book!
Love Lies Beneath by Ellen Hopkins

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It took me a minute to get interested in this book. Definitely not what I was expecting from Ellen Hopkins but to me it was a good read other then the ending was horrible! I kind of hope she writes a sequel to it because I feel like I was left hanging. I will always be a die hard fan of Ellen Hopkins and think that this book should be rated more highly!
Love and Chaos by Gemma Burgess

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This was definitely better then the first one!! I never cared for Angie from the first book but now i adore her! I hate the ending but it was defiantly hard to put down for sure! Heading to get the third today!