jalialynn's reviews
643 reviews

A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 80%.
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust

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Girls Made of Snow and Glass is a reimagining of the Snow White fairytale. I love fantasy books that focus on a family & relationships more with a side romance but there are sadly not a lot of those out there. So when i found this book i was so excited to read it. It didn’t disappoint!

This story focuses on Mina & Lynet’s mother daughter relationship. I enjoyed their relationship and seeing the ups and downs of it. The character development was by far the best part of this book. Mina’s character arc was amazingly well written and i found some parts of her relatable. Mina has both pov’s from when she was 16 & present day which i really enjoyed, as it showed how she became the person she is.

Both Mina & Lynet had romances in this book. Lynet’s was sapphics that wasn’t too insta lovey, i found them very cute but there just wasn’t enough time for me to fall head over heals for them. I did fall for Mina’s relationship! Which is not surprising because she was my favorite

This is a really good standalone fantasy novel that had me intrigued and interested from beginning to end. I need more books like this one!
Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
Shadow's Messenger by T.A. White

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
Dragon Ridden by T.A. White

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Sweet Nightmare by Tracy Wolff

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This book surprised me! I didn’t expect to love this as much as i did, i actually thought i wouldn’t like it but decided to pick it up anyway because everyone was saying it was really good. This book was so different than i thought it would be. I was sucked in from the beginning! I absolutely love Tracy Wolff’s writing & found this book really easy to read for many reasons. The best thing is the chapters were so short which definitely made it easier & more fun to read. 

The amount of things that has happened in Clementines life. She deserve so much better! This whole book was just Clem being hurt. Without spoiling it i cried so many times during this book because i got connected to the characters that Clem loved that i could not handle it. I really hope Clem doesn’t get hurt so much i’m the next books, but she probably will.

Jude Abernathy-Lee!! Deserves the world & f*ck everyone who has ever hurt him. I will say he annoyed me some times iykyk. like dude come on! But i did love his character! Jude & Clementines relationship ship was so cute and i just need them to be happy for the rest of the series please & thank you!

This book was gonna be a 5 star but the last 100 pages were just so crazy i couldn’t take it all seriously & i just knew it was gonna happen. I will definitely read more books by Tracy & I’m so excited for the rest of the Calder Academy Series!!!
Cursed by Marissa Meyer

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This book was so much better than the first in the series. As much as i enjoyed Gilded, so much happened in this book. Did i predict most of it? Yes! But did i enjoy it? HELL YES! This author did an amazing job of tying up the story lines in this book. That last 25% did indeed make me cry.
Gilded by Marissa Meyer

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i really enjoyed this book, i absolutely loved the world building & the characters & the book kept me entertained the entire time
The Summer Love Strategy by Ray Stoeve

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this was such a cute sapphic book