jamestomasino's reviews
1811 reviews

My Life with the Saints by James Martin

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[a:James Martin|16201|Niccolò Machiavelli|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1185567895p2/16201.jpg] is a great guy to have in the spotlight as an example of Jesuit life. He's also a great writer whose humbleness and natural humor comes through the written word as easily as it does on camera.

This book is a wonderfully original way of writing an autobiography. By focusing on specific saints as they related to his life in various phases, we get a sense not only of the external events, but also of the interior transformation that took place in James over his lifetime. It's is a very accessible book and a fun read that keeps your attention nicely, but it doesn't demand you sit and read it at length. I'll put it on the list of "good bathroom reading".
The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

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This is by far the best Wheel of Time book I've read in a while. I had wondered whether Brandon Sanderson's writing would mesh with Robert Jordan's, whether things would flow like they had, and I can say with confidence that they do much better than that. This book picked up the pace where the past few had dawdled, stirring in an amazing amount of action and revelation while still providing that familiar, lush descriptive narration. For the first time in the series, I feel honestly closer to a resolution than I had before.

I can't wait for the last two books!