jan35104974's reviews
254 reviews

The Former Assassin's Guide to Snagging a Reluctant Boyfriend by Alice Winters

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THE FOUND FAMILY TROPE IN THIS BOOK. Oh, my god. I absolutely adored the way Alice showed us just how much Leland and Cassel have prevailed since putting Lucas in jail. Is Cassel just as delusional as Leland? Absolutely. But you know what we love that for them, because they each got their dream man. And Cassel is such a sweetheart! Granted in his own way, but a sweetheart none the less. While Leland and Jackson might be the kings of unhingedness, Jeremy and Cassel are DEFINITELY the kings of pure chaos. But as usual, they balance each other out in the best way possible 🫶🏼
The Hitman's Guide to Tying the Knot Without Getting Shot by Alice Winters

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ugh my heart! My favorites got married, they had a child (for a bit) and they adopted another dog 😩 granted there was the whole twist with Jackson life being the one in danger this time, but king Leland was there to make sure his man was safe. I loved reading their story and their interactions just make my day. 
4 stars from me ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
The Hitman's Guide to Staying Alive Despite Past Mistakes by Alice Winters

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Whew what a rollercoaster! Being a continuation of Leland and Jackson story, this book definitely added more depth to their relationship. It was really nice to read just how MUCH both guys love each other and just how far they were willing to go to be with one another. But the way Leland's past creeps up on him?? Talk about plot twists. 
I also really enjoyed seeing previous characters from the first book make appearances throughout the chapters, as well as an introduction of a new character, who we will hopefully see more of in the next book. 
Outdrawn by Deanna Grey

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Honestly Sage supremacy 🛐 
Let me start off by saying this story was just so well written. I honestly put it off for way too long, but I'm so glad that I picked it up. It had sweetness, realness, and such strong FMC's. One of my favorite parts was when Sage and Noah had their little drawing match in their notebooks again after so many years apart. Plus, the way Sage just THINKS about Noah, had me in an absolute chokehold.
Under the Lupine Moon by A. Knightley

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This was my first shifter romance and A. Knightley knocked it out of the park!
The way Finn had been OBSESSED with Jamie is honestly just goals to me. He truly stuck by Jamie through thick and thin, and he remained in love with him for months! I loved them, loved the story, and loved their progress with each other. And when Finn gave Jamie those little nicknames? That just about killed me🫠. The way both of their inner monologues had me giggling with how unserious they were, really tied the story together.
The Wake of Saints by A.M. Hamill

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*Thank you to the author for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Let me start off by saying I loved the cover for this book. It was, quite honestly, the first thing that caught my attention.
Overall, I thought the book was extremely well written, and the characters seemed to be fairly realistic. There had been a good chunk of the book explaining history and the whole setting of where everything was taking place. Which, quite honestly, was done well, because I was able to pin point where the characters were and what they were doing. There were also pretty vivid character descriptions, which really allowed me to feel connected with the characters. Each character had their own personality, and no two felt the same. I absolutely ADORED Isa, and she is absolutely my favorite in this series. 
Now for the actual plot of the story. It was good! I enjoyed the journeys that the characters went on with each other as well as the ones they went on individually. There had also been the addition of numerous plot twists, which truthfully kept me entertained throughout the book. 
I will say it is a fantastic book for those who love the Shadow and Bone series and want something with similar vibes. It's also pretty perfect for those who love intense world-building with queer characters whose whole identity isn't focused on them being queer in a high fantasy setting.

Overall, I give it 3 stars ⭐⭐⭐
The Hitman's Guide to Making Friends and Finding Love by Alice Winters

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Let me start off by saying I am absolutely IN LOVE with Leland. The sheer amount of unexpected humor he brought to the book was so much fun to read! The relationship that formed between him and Jackson definitely started off unconventional, but you know what? Leland is absolutely persistent in what he wants, and I love that for him. The way there's a whole 360° flip from Hitman Leland to "house husband" Leland is so hilarious. Jackson and him are most definitely the definition of a chaotic couple, but they balanced each other in the best way possible.  
Only One Coffin by A.J. Truman

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Such a cute and quick read! I absolutely love the whole grumpy x sunshine trope and Magnus and Kilroy delivered with that. It was incredibly touching to read how Magnus was finding love after losing his previous partner, but the way Kilroy honored Gunner was just perfection 🫶🏼 I also really enjoyed how these two did not have a traditional meet cute, more like a meet scare.
Just A Little Love by Kerry Kilpatrick

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I thought this story was incredibly adorable! Rory and Gabriel's whole dynamic was just so sweet and the way that gave takes care of Rory is just goals 🫶🏼
Collared by Lola Malone

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I absolutely love the difference perceptive that we've been given to the Initiation series through these novellas 🙌🏼
holding out hope that we get a couple of MMMM scenes between gold and bronze mask wink wink