janessaalexis's reviews
768 reviews

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Not too shabby; I'm actually impressed with where this series is heading (even if it's a tad- actually, really late). But hey, I look forward to seeing the Finale. (see what I did there?)
Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Actual rating: 3.5

I actually have some pretty mixed reviews about this book, but they're generally positive and I was fairly satisfied with the ending.
I won't dare indulge in my thoughts because, while most of my thoughts are positive, that doesn't mean there weren't things that I absolutely loathed about the book. Because I did.

But, hey; if you've made it this far, I do suggest finishing the series because it is worth it.
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Don't get me wrong, I did like this book. sort of.
I just hated it at the same time. a lot, actually.
Honestly, the continuation of the first book to this second was pretty good. But, OH MY GOD, all of the characters were just so annoying. The only reason it took me almost two weeks to read the stupid book was because of all the damn characters (*cough cough* NORA) were so needy and bitchy and weak and sappy. Like, GET OVER YOURSELF.

HAVING SAID THAT: I actually did like the book. It was frustrating and stupid and you will most certainly feel like throwing it against the wall (like I did), but hey, it's worth it.

Treading carefully for the next book. Hopefully it'll be better than this.
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

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Let's be honest and say that this book is definitely not the best book anyone has ever read, but it was still good.
I was really skeptically going into it because, let's face it, there are way too many teen fic novels with angels, werewolves and vampires (get real). But after actually reading the novel, I do understand the appeal to it.
Again, not my favourite. Far from it. But it was entertaining, Nora wasn't a horrible main character, the plot twists were subtle but there, the concept was fairly interesting and (if anyone's being honest) yeah, Patch is pretty fantastic (although his name is still irritating).
Looking forward to Crescendo .