jasminesimone's reviews
53 reviews

China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan

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Definitely a solid read. I had to get past the beginning, which moved a little slow for me. The entertainment definitely picked up. While I enjoyed the adventures of Rachel and Nick with her new brother and his friends, I wish that there was more of them alone. There was a lot of drama and read more of a tabloid at certain parts. The book even opens as a tabloid piece. I think I need to read #3 to get the closure that I need.
Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds

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This is a great debut novel for Justin Reynolds. It is a wonderful read about love, relationships, and time-travel.

Jack King has been in love with his best friend, Jillian for a very long time, but when she starts dating his other best friend, Franny, he has to hide those feelings. Then here comes Kate. Jack meets Kate at a party while he is visiting a college campus. The book actually doesn't start here, but instead gives us a glimpse at a moment when Jack has once again gone back in time to try to save Kate.

The story asks a very thought-provoking question: what would you do if you could go back in time? Jack continuously tries different solutions to get better results and over and over again he fails. The fact is that he continues to try. This story is not extremely heartbreaking, but it definitely is a tale of what someone will do for those that they love. Jack proves towards the end that he wants to help everyone achieve happiness.

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

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Lock Every Door by Riley Sager is definitely worth the read. Jules moves into an apartment as a sitter at the luxurious Bartholomew. The characters there seem quirky, but nothing initially strikes me as off about any of them. There are a lot of rules like no visitors, no spending the night away from the apartment, and no disturbing the other residents. The rules, while there are many, seem normal for a place that appreciates its privacy.

The plot thickens as Jules starts to dig deeper into the Bartholomew's history after Ingrid goes missing. I was definitely not expecting the ending. There are so many surprises that pop up. The book is written where it starts in the present and then takes you back six days to when Jules finds out that she's going to be an apartment sitter at the Bartholomew. When I first started it, I couldn't believe she only stayed there six days before everything fell to pieces. Honestly, it must have been the longest six days of her life.

This was the first book I read by Riley Sager, but I definitely will be checking out his other works. Lock Every Door definitely made me a fan!
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

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I know I've read this book at least 3 times, but I love it. I just can't help, but hope that in the end everything works out for the best.

Two misfit teenagers, Eleanor & Park, meet on a crowded school bus where they first bond over their love for comic books. Park lets Eleanor borrow one and then starts to bring her a stack at a time when he sees how quickly she reads them. He starts to make her playlists and shares hes headphones with her.

You would think that their love story would be cute, in many ways it was, but unfortunately both of them feel like outcasts. Eleanor is the new girl in town and Park is half Asian and feels like he has failed his father. I believe these underlying issues are what brought the two together. Park makes Eleanor feel safe from all of the students that tease her and her awful step-dad and Eleanor makes Park feel like finally someone sees him and accepts him for who he is.

Although the ending is not what I expected, I am content with how the book ended. Not all happy endings are the same.