jenbsbooks's reviews
2297 reviews

The Uprising: Three Young Women Caught in the Fire That Changed America by Margaret Peterson Haddix

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Not a full 5* read for me, but I think that's mostly because it just felt too young. I bet I would have LOVED this had I read it as a teen. A historical story featuring three young girls, all from different backgrounds. One from Italy, a Russian Jew, and a wealthy city girl. 

This book popped up on my radar, as someone asked for a book with the same feel as "Newsies" ... this has some mention of newsies and the big newspaper boss, and it's ALL about the strike and unionization of the workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory.  I had heard about the fire there, it had been showcased in a few other novels I've read over the years. The fire was part of the story, but the strike, the conditions, were more front and center. 

The audio was available on Hoopla, and I was able to borrow the Kindle copy from the library. As I was waiting for my hold to come in ... I happened upon a hard copy in a LFL! I don't know that I would have noticed it if I wasn't already aware. I have read other books by this author ... I like her topics, and she writes well for the younger ages. It just doesn't always translate to adult readers. I found it too simplistic and repetitive. SO often, as there is a language barrier, one person doesn't understand what is being said/the words, but pretty much gets the meaning, and this is written over and over and over. I get it.  The girls were ... young girls. Likely realistic, but a little annoying to me. 

While I had this in three formats, I went primarily with the audio. A single narrator (Suzanne Toren), which was fine, as while there were the three different POVS (Bella, Yetta, Jane) it was third person/past tense. Slight accents, but still a little hard to tell much distinction in the audio. Except for a little part at the start and end, which is in present tense/Mrs Livingston (&Harriet) ... and while we don't know the date, it is the "present" and then the rest is in the past, years before, the stories of the three girls.   No real "chapters" listed numerically (Kindle did have numbers, but not announced in audio, and not shown in audio). Rotating POV between the girls. 

It's always a little easier for me to absorb info in a fictional/story setting. I thought this did a good job of showing the struggles of immigration, of factory conditions, of the strike ... and suffragette movement (not a main topic, but it came into play as well). I think this would be good reading for younger audiences, informative, while still having characters/a storyline.

There was a different voice for the Author's Notes ... the author? Regardless, I was happy to have the notes in a distinct voice, not the one we associate with the story/the girls.  In the note ... "Personally, when I’ve just read a historical novel that seemed completely real to me—as I hope this book seemed completely real to you—I hate to then read an author’s note explaining, “Well, this was real, but this wasn’t; this event didn’t actually occur, but it could have; this character I completely made up.” Because then the story recedes back into distant history, and what seemed so alive and immediate and tangible is gone." For ME, PERSONALLY, I LOVE when the author tells me exactly what was fact and what was fiction, otherwise, I tend to dismiss it all as fiction while hopefully following up to find out a little more on the subject. Ironically, the author then does go on to give a lot of great information and details. The Author's Notes were as informative, maybe more so, than the novel. 

YA - clean. No proFanity or sex. Other words I note: swath, sneaked, Carnegie (standard pronunciation), pogrom, rifling.

There were some weird clicks/pauses in the audio. 

Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang

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I thought I'd like this a little more than I did.  It was pretty good, but I don't know that it will really stick in my memory. I didn't feel the need to stop and make notes/highlights. I have a physical copy, picked up from a nearby LFL, and I'll be returning it to LFL circulation (a book I LOVE I sometimes have trouble parting with) ... I got the audio and Kindle copy too, as I do, and went primarily with the audio. 

One might say Weylyn is the MC of the book, but until almost the last chapter, we really only get him second-hand. We hear from the doctor who delivered him in the prologue, witness interaction between him and a boy during "interludes" (these reminded me a tad of "The Princess Bride" and a story within a story, going into these tales, then coming back to the two people talking). 

The chapter setup was interesting ... the prologue, first of several interludes, then six parts (and an epilogue after) ...
1. The Wolf Boy
2. Rainmaker
3. Storm Seeker
4. The Forest Familiar
5. Firefly Keeper
6. Old Man Spider

Several chapters in each part, which continued to run chronologically through.  I'm a "table of contents" gal ... I just can't comprehend physical books not providing a TOC. I wished that the Kindle/Audio also included the POV in the TOC. In part 1, it switches between Mary and her father. In Part 2 between Lydia Kramer and Mrs. Meg Lowry. In Part 3, the POVs are Bobby Quinn Jr and Mary.  Part 4 POVs are Duane Fordham and Mary. Part 5  it's Lydia again, and her son Micah.  We finally get a chapter from Weylyn's POV in the last part. He's featured strongly in the "interludes" but those are from the POV of Roarke.  The audiobook TOC didn't even show the parts or interludes at all, just numerical chapters. Lacking!

In audio, there were two male narrators and two female narrators. That worked for Mary and Lydia, but one of the guys voiced the "interludes/Roarke" and the other did all the other chapters ... so he voiced Nelson, Bobby, Duane ... and Weylyn. These were all in 1st person, and I'm sorry, but while I think the narrator tried to switch up the voices a little, they all sounded the same, or at least too similar. Very distinct voice. I think four different narrators were needed for those parts, or someone who could really switch up their voice.  This affected my enjoyment ... I don't think I even really realized that Bobby and Duane were different people, their voices just ran together, and then to have Weylyn sound exactly the same? The narrator would have been great for ONE of the voices (Bobby or Duane) but not all of them :(

The whole weather thing reminded me a bit of the book Savvy (which I loved). 

The "man/spider" reminded me of a recent read (Murder at Spindle Manor) where there was a man/spider creature. 

It was interesting how the stories continued and crossed ... but I never felt like I really got attached to the characters, enough to care about them.  There were two perceptions of an attack (wolf on cow, two deaths) that was unique. 

proFanity x2  ... other words I note: Carnegie (standard pronunciation), swath, cerulean

As mentioned, I was able to snag a nice BOTM hardcover from a Little Free Library. Grateful people are willing to share. I'll return this to the rotation. The audio/Kindle were easily available from my library. I then noticed ... I'd purchased the audio ($3 on Chirp), I'm wondering why I bought it, I don't usually if it's available at the library. Maybe it wasn't when I made the purchase (a couple of years ago). 

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards

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Liked it, didn't love it. Felt like I had to push through some. 

Several POVs (David, Caroline, Norah, Paul) but all 3rd person, so the single narrator could give this omniscient overview ... I struggled to keep the POV straight at times though. Often stopping and starting the book, I would think "who's head are we in now?" and there wasn't any help from chapter headings either, I'd just have to wait and watch the text for name dropping to figure it out.  I would have appreciated headers with the POV listed at the start of the chapters, and in the TOC. The TOC didn't have numerical listing, rather listing a year, then months as "chapters" ... some months getting multiple entries.  

As for the overall story ... while I appreciated the writing, it rambled some. It would cover David and his family for a time, then switch to Caroline. Connected ... but completely different stories for the most part. I'd find myself disconnecting, especially right when it would switch  between the two. 

as long as David was pretending his daughter with Downs died, why didn't he just pretend she never existed? They hadn't known it was twins, so if he really wanted to save his wife the trauma and pain, why tell her she had a second baby but that it died? Why not just not say anything? There's a whole "what would have happened if they had kept the baby themselves?" question, but also what if Norah and Paul never even knew there had been a Phoebe? David/Norah and even Paul weren't particularly likeable, Caroline almost too perfect.  And that Caroline happened to be the only one there at the birth, that she was willing to disrupt her entire life/leave and raise Phoebe on her own. Interesting to think of how the different times and oversight even allowed this to be an option. Some scenes (Paul coming in as a child and spoiling the film, he and his friends destroying photos/files later ... I never quite understood the inclusion, what those scenes brought to the story.

I didn't really get the title ... yes, David is a photographer and took pictures (keeping memories?) but still, the title just didn't click for me. Not sure I have a  better one in my head either though ...

No discussion questions included in the book ... I found some online. I could see this having topics for discussion at a book club. I have to wonder what those with an intimate connection to Downs Syndrome think of the novel ... positive or negative? I thought Phoebe's few spoken words were handled well in the narration (encountering it before, one book had no vocal affect at all, which didn't work for me. I can see it could be touchy, not wanting to be seen as mocking). 

No proFanity. Other words I note: Carnegie (standard pronunciation), swathed, detritus

I'd seen this one pop up here and there in FB discussions, usually positive reviews. When I found a physical copy at a thrift store, I recognized the title and picked it up for the LFL. Having a physical copy shifts a book up my TBR, even though I still borrow the audio and Kindle copy from the library. I went primarily with the audiobook for this. 

The Program by Suzanne Young

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I'd had this on my radar ... to when I found a copy at a thrift store, I picked it up (for the LFL). Having a physical copy moves a book up my TBR, even though I tend to get the audio/Kindle copy too (each format has its perks).  I brought it in to book club as a possibility, and it was picked. I didn't stop and make many notes/highlights as I listened (I went primarily with the audiobook). I remember thinking "well, there are some discussion topics worthy of book club" but I'm struggling a little to remember, I wish I had stopped and made some notes. Maybe I'll try to do a quick re-read/skim and/or check out some discussion questions online (there weren't any included in the book).

1st person / Present tense ... Sloane is the MC, it's all from her POV. Three parts (1. Uncomfortably Numb 2. The Program  3. Wish You Weren't Here) and an epilogue. The basic/numerical chapters reset in each part (three Chapter 1s...)

There was a little interview with the author at the end. I appreciated that it was actually the author voicing that part (not just the narrator). That makes it more personal. It was interesting to get a little more info ... this wasn't included in the text copies. 

... while this kept my interest and I had no problem finishing, I don't know that I plan to go on. I peeked at the other books in the series. I guess 3&4 are "companion" pieces, not a continuation of THIS story, in fact, they happen before. 5&6 feature a different couple, similar situation to Sloane and James, and some "after" The Program has ended and there are different options. I might actually give #3 and #5 a try before reading the "sequels" (2, 4, 6). There are a few "bitty" book additions too. We'll see if I get to more ... looks like I could get 3 and 5 pretty easily from the library. 

Maybe I'll update my review with more after the book club discussion.

Profanity x2. Some mention of sex, attempted rape/abuse

Copying the discussion questions I found online ...

1. What can you do to get help if you, or someone close to you, exhibits signs of depression? Who are safe, reliable people in your life whom you can turn to?

2. Sloane remarks, “I can’t believe they don’t understand. I wonder if it’s because adults would rather forget about their problems, the thought that ignorance is bliss.” Why do you think Sloane’s peers and their parents have very different attitudes toward the Program? How does each group, respectively, view the demand for, and methodology of, the Program? Why is there such a disconnect between the teenagers and their parents’ generation?

3. As Sloane and James reconnect, Sloane describes “emotions that are there, but without cause. Feelings that aren’t attached to memories and therefore meaningless.” To what extent are emotions tied to memory? How is memory anchored by emotions?

4. James and Sloane’s romantic relationship was founded on a strong friendship, of which Brady was once a part. At what point do you think their feelings transcended “just friends,” and became more than that? How do you account for this change in their feelings for each other?

5. Explain the logic behind the Program. Why did it come about? What practices did it use to “cure” patients? What is the reasoning behind these practices?

6. When do the adults in Sloane’s life lie to her? Were any of these lies justified? What differentiates white lies from harmful ones?

7. Revisit Sloane’s experience in Dr. Warren’s office. Describe your experience as a reader as you confronted this traumatic scene in the book. How were you feeling? What was going through your head?

8. How would you characterize the narrator’s perspective in this novel? Is Sloane a credible narrator? How do you corroborate her point of view, given what we learn about her damaged memory?

9. When did your suspicions about Realm’s identity arise? Looking back, what clues suggested Realm’s unique role in the Program? How did you feel about Realm, once you knew the truth? Could you trust him, in spite of it?

10. What is the significance behind the particular card game that Sloane, Realm, and other patients played together in the Leisure Room? Contrast Sloane’s experience playing it in the Program, to playing it with Brady and James. What does the game symbolize to you? How might Suzanne Young have used it as a vessel for social commentary?

11. Sloane feels profoundly drawn to Lacey, and then to James, following her treatment in the Program, despite the corruption of all prior memories she’d had of them. Have you ever experienced a similar “instant connection” with someone? What might be the sources of such magnetism between people?

12. Even though her memory was manipulated in the Program, what traits in Sloane remained fixed throughout?

13. How does this novel support or challenge the idea of destiny?

14. The Program has a powerful, cinematic quality to it. Choose a pivotal scene, and describe how you would stage it. What details would you include in the setting? Whom would you cast to represent the characters? What music would be playing on the soundtrack?

15. What, or who, is the decision-making force driving the Program? What governs the definitions of “normal” vs. “abnormal,” and “healthy” vs. “corrupted”? What do these terms mean to you?

16. How might rebels fight against the Program? Who would be a part of this resistance? What strategies or tools would be effective in their efforts?

17. Analyze the orange pill at the very end of The Program. What does it represent? What impact does its existence have on Sloane’s story? What impact might it have on the future of the Program, as you imagine it?

18. Explain the epilogue: What is happening? Who is Allison?

Joe Nuthin's Guide to Life by Helen Fisher

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This was mentioned in a FB group with enough of a recommendation that I looked up the book. I was able to snag the audio and Kindle copy from the library... and I loved it! Lots of personal connections (the TV series Friends was one), there was quite a bit of proFanity (x54) otherwise it would be one I'd recommend to almost everyone.  This had a nice set of discussion questions at the end, which felt like a little "book club" making me think on things more ... and it is one I would like to discuss. 

I went primarily with the audio, but was glad to have the Kindle copy too. 3rd person/past tense. There were chapters headers, and I liked that they were included on the Kindle Table of Contents, they were little words/statements that I could look at after reading, and be reminded of what was in that chapter: A Man of No Mean Bones, The Rain Could Get To You, Imperial Leather, A Jigsaw is Only Eve One Piece, I Thought You Would Be The Next, Dinner and Dessert, The Last Man on Earth, In the Sauce, Not As Stupid As You Look, Like a Peach, Arnica, A Sofa That Is Outdoors, The Words Were Good, Double Negative, Hugo Boss, The Go-Back ...   Even though in audio I may not look at my phone all that often, I like when the TOC is more complete, including the chapter headings. This audio edition only had that numerical chapters listed in the TOC.

Connections - my boys LOVE Friends, and so I'm pretty familiar with it, and so all the mentions of it throughout were fun. Epitaphs ... I have joked with my sons that mine could say "Here lies Jen ..." (I like ellipsis and am known for my overuse of them). One of my boys has had some challenges in his life; we had him tested for autism as he had some markers, but his was more depression/anxiety (and he's doing really well now). But I could relate, as a mother, to trying to teach him the basics. I had my own list of things I hoped to get completed with him (graduation from high school, we had switched to an online program), a driver's license (finally when he was 19 we got it done), a job ... I LOVED Hugo(Boss) SO much, his willingness to work with Joe, even going out of his way. Can I give a character a hug?! And, not exactly the same, but a bit of a similar experience in someone giving my son a chance and a job with a great fit for him. 

I didn't stop and make many highlights and notes, I think I would have had several had I been reading instead of listening. I glanced over the Quotes saved here and saw several I appreciated. The couple I did stop and save were more of a humorous bent ... and I really liked the little tidbits here and there that made me laugh. There were some really sad moments too. 

Library borrow - but this is one I wouldn't mind having a copy of on my shelves. 
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

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... "there are six people waiting" thus Libby informs me of the ebook copy. Pressure! I finished the book, I actually went with the audio (Hoopla) and have a hard copy, but I like having the Kindle copy for reference when I write the review. But best get my review done and the book returned and on to the next person. I had a bit of a wait for this one to come available. Not a new book, but it seems to be very popular and in demand still. 

I hadn't loved "The Kite Runner" and honestly, as the book became available, I pushed the hold several times, not sure I was in the mood. I finally figured I'd go ahead with it, and I liked it. I didn't LOVE it as so many others have. A sad story. I'll remember the basics of it. I had to look up some discussion questions (none were included in the book, but there were some online;, this didn't make me WANT to discuss it, as some books do. I didn't really feel the need to stop and make any notes while listening. 

Three parts. Simple numerical chapters that continued chronologically through. In the Hoopla audio, there were only "chapter" markings, five of them, they didn't even line up with anything (parts/chapters) in the book, it just split the book up by time (1 hour, 17 minutes). HORRIBLE set-up! I'm not sure if the Audible version has a better Table of Contents?

Mariam's POV to start (all of Part 1)  then Laila for all of Part 2. Part 3 switches the POV between the two women. These chapters had a header, indicating the POV.  In audio, it was 3rd person, so a single narrator, a removed/omniscient voice words, but I wonder if I would have preferred two narrators, two different "voices" for the two women?

Past tense for Parts 1, 2 and 3. Switch to present tense for Part 4. 

I liked the title tie-in. Like the cover.

I don't believe there was any proFanity. 
It did say swath (just a word I've noticed, in almost all my books lately).
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen, Seth Grahame-Smith

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I probably read 100 or so P&P variations ... I've been aware of this one, more mainstream, as it was made into a movie (which I have seen, but it's been a while). I've had it on my list. Picked up a physical copy (for the LFL) and could borrow the Kindle from the library, but AudibleExclusive, and I hadn't gotten around to actually spending a credit or cash on it. I was offered a three-month Amazon music trial for free, which now includes borrowing one Audible book a month ... so this was my March pick.

There was a preface in the audio edition  - I appreciated that it was voiced by the author himself, that makes it much more personal than just having the narrator do it (she still does the afterward, I think it would have been better done by the author or a different narrator. Hard to take it seriously with the same narrator as the rest of the ridiculousness).  Here, the other states that he pretty much brought up the original text, and then just changed/added (red text to differentiate at a glance).  I think this is the only "re-imagining" that has taken Austen's original and used it SO much, which explains why she is still listed as an author here. All the other "adaptations" generally just take the idea, and include a sentence/statement or two/few from the original.  I'm not sure how I feel about this one ... creative, but ... I don't know. I wonder what the other books (the prequel, sequel) are like without all of Jane's original text to go off of. Not sure I'm interested enough to READ them (my eye time is so limited) ... no audio for them. 

There were "discussion questions" in the Kindle copy, but they actually made me like the book less. Just seemed mocking to book clubs/actual extras I absolutely appreciate in other reads. Super silly and over the top. This would NOT be a book for bookclub (in my opinion). I didn't care for the cover. The book (physical and Kindle) had some additional illustrations, actually available in an accompanying PDF in Audio too. 

The idea is fun, and I remember enjoying the movie but it's been too long since I saw it to remember differences (improvements?) What came across as, yes, a little crazy, was at least "sincere" in the movie. In the book, it comes off more as silly, as a boy's attempt to add as much gross gore as he can. And the end ... Wickham, left paralyzed in a seminary for the lame, forever soiling himself  and Lydia not really impacted by it at all "my beloved has soiled himself anew" ... I mean, I know with the zombies and everything I really shouldn't be nick-picking at how realistic things might be, but ... methinks Lydia would not say that. 

So ... check, done. 

For everything new added, there was no proFanity.

Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult

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Glancing through other reviews, it seems so many gave this a lower rating because it was "too much like My Sister's Keeper" ... I haven't read that (only vaguely familiar with the movie), and maybe that unfamiliarity helped me here, because this kept me quite captivated. So many times I had to pause the audiobook, to find my spot in the Kindle copy to make notes/highlights. There were several connections to my life - which just makes a book more personal. I can only imagine the discussion possibilities for a book club! I don't know that I loved the 2nd person approach, but it was unique and memorable. I didn't love the ending and can't say it was completely unexpected, but I got hit in the feels several times throughout. Tears at times ...

I had this in all three formats; I'd found the physical book at a thrift store, and picked it up for my LFL, and that bumped it up my TBR. I was able to get the audio and Kindle copy from the library, and I went primarily with audio. Three PARTS, the chapters within were labeled by the POV (Charlotte, Amelia, Sean, Piper, Marin) ... I would have liked to also have chronological/numbered chapters, because it was difficult to move between the formats and find my spot (so much easier to just find "chapter 17" and what page it starts on than "the ... fourth/Amelia section in part 1" ...

Different narrators for the five(really six) were necessary, as while technically 2nd person (to Willow), each chapter/POV was 1st person. I liked that all the voices were so distinct. Even stopping and starting, coming back into the book after a break, I could determine who was speaking. It was interesting to get all the different perspectives and experiences. While Marin's storyline wasn't completely disconnected, I still wondered about its inclusion. It felt a little distracting to me. The whole 2nd person approach ... were these letters? A conversation (actual/imagined?) was a little odd, and sometimes made me shake my head when whichever POV was telling Willow things SHE did ... duh, she was there (I know, necessary for the story, but strange in this setup). I guess I was imagining everyone in a group, telling it too Willow, AND to the others (and the reader).

The "cooking/baking" portions (Charlotte) ... another interesting addition. Some of the "profound statements" were in these sections.

Things jumped around a little at times ... one in particular, the first time Willow goes near the pond. One moment that's the story, then it shifts into a memory about Charlotte baking for Sean, then it's the present again, Charlotte and Willow/Amelia baking ... um, so I guess they got back from the pond okay, and just started baking? I had to stop the audio and refer to the print to see if I'd missed something. In text, there were *** to break up the sections, but still, abrupt!

The baking (King Arthur Flour), the cutting, a DUI arrest, the selection of the jury (#3 was called for jury duty while I was reading this, and it was interesting to see some of the same stuff in his experience, which he told me all about) and how it went in the book. A recent read "Out of My Mind" also featured a little girl who had physical disabilities (cerebral palsy in that case) but very intelligent, unexpected mental acuity. Here, I had to keep trying to remember what a five-year old was like, as Willow seemed SO advanced (reading at a 6th grade level, her recitation of facts and just the way she spoke and acted), too much so, even considering the situation?

The title - while tying in perfectly, is overdone. Makes it a little hard to find on a book search (have to include the author too). The cover ... perhaps too much foreshadowing? The role the frozen pond will play..

ProFanity x 13
The Traitor's Son by Pedro Urvi

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I can't remember how this book came to my attention ... I thought at one point I had access to both the Kindle and audio through Prime or KU, but then only the Kindle copy was on Prime. I still planned on getting to it, and I think I purchased the audio with a BOGO deal on Audible. This is Amazon/Audible exclusive, not available through the local libraries.

I read several of The Ranger's Apprentice series and really enjoyed them ... this reminded me of them, but not as good.  It just felt a little amateurish? Stilted? Repetitive ... like this sentence after saying he liked to climb ... "Perhaps it was the feeling of achievement when he reached the top, or perhaps it was the amazing views, or perhaps it was the peace he felt when he was alone at the top." Perhaps it was ... later in the story "an intense feeling of alarm" came over him. Not descriptive, show us, don't tell us... and don't just repeat it (the next couple paragraphs "The feeling of intense danger struck him again" and "The feeling was of urgency, of danger, very intense" ...

I really struggled with this at the start, almost gave up on it. I liked it a little better once the MC joined up with the Rangers. Then it was the stereotypical "kids contests" (in Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Ender's Game). There's an egg, and a dragon-like creature ... although WHY that was included was never really clear to me (magic, okay). The revelation about the "traitor" father was a little too easy.

I went primarily with the audio. The narrator was good.

I don't plan on continuing on with the series ... 
A Girl with A Knife by Alina Rubin

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This was a random pick for me ... I noticed the Kindle copy was included in Prime reading, and I could borrow the audio via Hoopla. The ratings were quite high and historical fiction fit into my genre rotation. I liked this. As with many historical fiction reads, it introduces some history so that I feel like I learn a little. I appreciated the author's notes at the end (although there were some typos there, maybe it needed another edit) as to inspiration and what portions were based on real people/things. Discussion questions were there too, which I like, although these didn't really make me think much more than I had already on my own. 

I went primarily with the audio. Good narration. Loved the pronunciation of "respiratory" 

There were several exchanged letters - in italics in print (maybe needed another space to separate it from the text before).  Ironic that Ella/Alan is so careful in her letters out, but if anyone read Matilda's answers, she is NOT careful, and the ruse would be easily uncovered. 

I did have to stop and refer to the Kindle copy at one point - a change that happened out of the blue. I felt a little lost, as if I'd missed something. SPOILER
Ch8. when a detective tracks Ella down and returns her to her father. The blurb was only about the medical school, and everything in it hadn't happened yet ... I was a little surprised the father had gone to the effort of looking for her. He hadn't had a "proper drink" in three months,  searching for her? Then the escape, the accident, Ella stepping up to save him - seems like with her life at risk she would have left him. All the dialog in this section felt so awkward and stilted and unreal. Everything over the top and distracting and just too convenient . I think I would have just preferred her father having died, and her being tracked down with news of her inheritance).

It was interesting to learn a little more about the medical field back in these early days.

I think the narration was well done and made it all flow more than when I reviewed the Kindle copy. Reading on my own, the writing felt a little off. 

Overall I enjoyed this, and may continue on with the series (the next book is included in KU, so next time I splurge on a month of that subscription ... audio on Hoopla again).