jennifer's reviews
173 reviews

Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro

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So I was reading the story Child's Play and completely relating to the narrator when she talks about female bonding:
"...It's supposed to have begun in those long periods of siting around the campfire stirring the manioc porridge or whatever while the men were out in the bush deprived of conversation because it would warn off the wild animals...I've observed but never taken part in these female exchanges. Not truly. Sometimes I've pretended because it seemed to be required, but the woman I was supposed to be making friends with always got wind of my pretense and became confused and cautious."
Then I find out that when this character was a kid she casually drowned a learning disabled kid at summer camp and suddenly relating to that characted didn't feel so good.

But as far as creepy goes all that is nothing compared to the story Wenlock Edge. I won't ruin it by trying to explain it, but suffice it to say I actually had to stop reading the book for awhile after that one. This is of course testament to Alice Munro, kind of the same way being scared of Glenn Close after seeing Fatal Attraction is testament to her acting abilities.

Luckily there are some non-creepy ones too, my favorite being Fiction. All in all excellent, I liked Too Much Happiness even better than Runaway.