jessan's reviews
230 reviews

Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon

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The story begins with the main character, Nick, being the posterboy of loser-dom in his school. We see him struggle everyday as the band of bullies put him down, abused, and just wronged him. Two chapters were dedicated entirely for this, before we, finally, got into the story.

The plot, in 100 words or less: Nick Gautier is fourteen. Dirt poor. And has a stripper for a mother. When a certain event winds him up in a hospital and meeting the mysterious Kyrian, our powdered-egg-eating guy’s life changes forever and learns there is more to the world than being kicked in the ass and get blamed for other people’s faults. Soon enough, Nick finds himself the target of a number of supernatural creatures, zombies being number one among them.

What I think: I don’t like it. I would have never read it if I didn’t get it as a Christmas present. I wish I had received another book instead.

Note to self: never get a blurb fool you. At the back cover, it says that Nick will discover who he really is at the end, but he never really does. And hiding his chainsaw from the principal is no trouble either, because he doesn’t have one. In the end, the entire prologue and summary of the book says something about what the next one is going to be all about.