jesshorn10's reviews
465 reviews

Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield

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To know the ocean, I have always felt, is to recognize the teeth it keeps half-hidden.

Achingly beautiful, strange, and heartbreaking. I loved this weird little book. 

Also, Underwater horror is becoming one of my favorite genres to read.
Remina by Junji Ito

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Things I liked: 
-The artwork. Damn, Junji Ito is talented. Some of the images in this book spooked me to my core. 
-How realistic this story felt. Because unfortunately, you just know that if shit hits the fan, people will turn into fanatic nutjobs who see a witch hunt as the only answer.

Things I didn't like:
-The story was a bit repetitive for my taste. A lot of the book was just people screaming and/or trying to capture Remina.
-Remina was a very stereotypical damsel in distress, which got on my nerves.
Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison

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I went into this one with specific expectations, and I think that was my biggest mistake. I expected something more serious, and this turned out to be more of a lighthearted, spooky, horror, cult book, which just wasn't what I was in the mood for. 

And honestly, Satan and hell actually existing in this story made it a lot less believable and enjoyable for me. Is it really a cult if everything they say and believe ends up being true?
Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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Did I just accidentally stumble across my new favorite Stephen King book of all time?! Seriously, this was so good. 

I loved the conversations about grief and found them to be surprisingly insightful. 

Yes, this book was scary, as you would expect from a Stephen King novel, but it was also a story about family, love and loss, and the lengths we would go to in service of those we love. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. 
Bones & All by Camille DeAngelis

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My thoughts upon finishing the movie: "What the actual hell did I just watch?"
My thoughts upon finishing the book: "What the actual hell did I just read?!?!" But the WTH feelings about the book are so much stronger. 

While both the book and the movie were dark and weird, relying heavily on shock value, this was one of the few times I can say with absolute certainty that the movie was better. It took pretty much all the things that I didn't like about the book and made it all make just a bit more sense. While the movie had a sad ending, at least it was a bit satisfying. In comparison, the end of the book left me feeling annoyed and frustrated. 

The book started strong and then lost my interest as it went on. I feel like after what happened with Lee, Maren's emotions (or lack thereof) made the end of the book pointless, confusing, and unsatisfying. Overall, it was not my favorite. 
The Secret History by Donna Tartt

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This one was just okay to me. After reading "The Goldfinch" by the same author, I was hoping to find another all-time favorite in this story. And while it was captivating, and the writing was beautiful, it didn't bring out the same feelings in me that "The Goldfinch" did. 

This was an interesting story, with interesting characters. The atmosphere was incredibly intriguing, and it definitely made me want to pick up more dark academia books in the future. 

Basically a book about shitty people doing shitty things. It was interesting to see how Richard wanted to fit in so much with his classmates that he put it above all else, even his own morals. I was definitely pulled into the story, much like Richard was pulled into this new group of friends. Despite the book's good qualities however there were some pacing issues with the story, and at the end, I was left wondering if I actually took anything meaningful away from the book.

Overall, not a favorite, but I will still read anything Donna Tartt writes!
Solitaire by Alice Oseman

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I enjoyed the characters in this story more than I enjoyed the plot. I didn’t really care a lot about what was happening with the Solitaire blog, but I enjoyed Tori as a main character, and getting a more in-depth look at her brother Charlie’s mental illness. The new audiobook narrated by Jenny Walser was perfection! 

Also, I cannot believe that Alice wrote this when they were seventeen! What an amazing, talented human.
Fangirl, Vol. 3: The Manga by Rainbow Rowell

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I’ve really been enjoying revisiting one of my old favorite books in this fun new way! This volume was as good as the last two! 
This Winter by Alice Oseman

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A bittersweet, little, holiday story filled with puppies, family drama, siblings, and some of my all-time favorite characters. Also, the story's narrators, Jenny Walser in particular, did an amazing job! 

I've listened to the audiobook for this one a couple of times this year. Alice Oseman's books and characters are like friends to me. They're definitely comforting reads that I love coming back to again and again. It was nice to read this one at Christmastime.
A Little Life (Stage Adaptation) by Hanya Yanagihara, koen tachelet, Ivo van Hove

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This script is a great deal smaller than the text it is based on, and honestly, I wasn’t sure if they would be able to capture all of the emotions and depth of the book, but I was surprised! 

While this definitely didn’t bring out the exact same feeling in me that the book does, it was still surprisingly well done! 

There were creative choices taken that I think made some scenes hit differently than they did in the book. I liked some changes and didn’t like others. 

I will say that it is a new dream of mine to see this play live, or even just the theatrical version if I ever have the opportunity to do so.