jessicachenard_author's reviews
58 reviews

The People We Keep by Allison Larkin

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I loved it after 200 pages in. It was a slow start but once I realized we weren’t going to stay at the coffee shop for the entirety of the story the meaning behind the story and the journey became really interesting to me.
Her Hike: A Memoir by Jessica Ryan Chenard

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I am the author of Her Hike: A Memoir. Thank you for reading my story and journey to healing. It is my biggest goal that you see yourself in my story. That you see your strength, your hope and your resilience within these pages. This took ten years of life being lived and written about after my brother passed away and I want you to know that the journey that you may be on may not have answers yet or a direction to point you to your True North.. but that you will get there! This story is proof of that. You will find your way and it will be beautiful.

Thank you!