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The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter

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So at the beginning I totally didn't know if I would like the introduction of a new species i.e. the harpies but it just made me love the book even more. Gena's writing always leaves me guessing whats next and keeps me on the edge of my seat. I love a strong female character and am please to see Gwen joining the ranks of Anya. Things that have me slight off are the inclusion of children, the surprise of Gwens parentage and the resurfacing of distrust.
Wicked Beautiful by J.T. Geissinger

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To all the bitches and inner bitches out there. This book is emotional, entertaining and hella full of sexual innuendos!! Excellent read for that feel good book. My only issue is why Victoria did not search for Maxwell earlier????
Nice Girls Don't Ride by Roni Loren

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This entire book is literally my life or my inner monologues to myself. It is fun, quirky with just the right amount of heat for such a short book. I absolutely love when I can relate to a book and its characters this much !! I mean who hasn't been dumped and wanted a hot guy to take the pain away?

Favorite quotes:

“Verified that I’m not a serial killer? Verified that you work for Billy’s. The serial killer part is yet to be determined"

"What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t have random illicit thoughts about complete strangers. Especially not strangers who have tattoos and call me princess."

"I’m not sure what vehicular thing actually produces such a smell, but I know I’ll forever think of the scent as eau de broken car."

Love a girl with a sense of humour !!!

"I try not to notice how the grease smudge on his jaw makes him look both menacing and distractingly attractive. God, what is my deal tonight? This guy’s giving me bad news, and my hormones decide to go rogue. Maybe it’s the Britney songs."

“Lose the dress, beautiful. There’s only one scent I want you wearing. Mine.”

"Hello, Me. Meet the new girl "

Its a finding yourself through raunchy sex kind of book that isn't cheesy at all !
The Darkest Angel by Gena Showalter

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Lysander one of the elite seven Angels feels desire as he has never known for Bianca Skyhawk, notorious bad girl Harpy and spawn of Lucifer. Their story has such a forbidden love with their yin/yang behaviors of an angel falling for a "fallen".

Of course Bianca lives up to her reputation:

"No. And I cannot give you a tour. I have duties. Important duties.Yeah, you do. My pleasure. That should be priority one.”

Love how she is baiting hm with sexual antics whilst he refuses.

A definite must read as these characters appear in future books !!

The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter

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This book is my favorite in the series thus far. Aeron and Olivias story has connected with me on an emotional level. Olivia is an Angel sent to kill Aeron, keeper of the lord wrath. Unable to do so she falls from Heaven and defies hell and hunters to get to Aeron.

This is truest love story as Aeron treats her with disdain to avid becoming close. She even has her voice of truth taken from her because she wants to save Aeron. She is the true embodiment of an Angel.

Aeron tries to avoid Olivia as Legion a demon cannot stand her presence. As his feelings grow he shuns Legion who makes a pact with the devil himself, Lucifer. Legion is given time to seduce Aeron or else Lucifer takes control of her body. I must admit legion is getting on my nerves in this book. I was seriously thinking to myself "why doesn't this bitch go back to hell?"

It gets even crazier as Gideon has a ghost from the past enter his life.

Aeron now has the dilema of saving the love of his life Olivia by dying or sleeping with Lucifer to save his friends from his destruction.

This book is packed with an abundance of WTF and AWWWWW moments that have left me crying and truly shook. This book was really emotional for me. Olivia loving Aeron and him finally loving her back but not being able to express it because he was carded to sleep with legion to protect the world from Lucifer. It just isn't fair you know

I mean look at this line:

Perhaps it was the please that swayed her. Perhaps the savageness of his actions. Either way, she shouted, “Because you aren’t what you believe you are. You aren’t what everyone else believes. You might have delivered countless deaths but you love more fiercely than anyone I’ve ever known. You give of yourself with no thoughts to your own happiness.” She laughed, and it was as bitter-sounding as his own had been. “Funny, isn’t it? The very qualities that brought me to you are the things that are sending me away.”

Hands down my favorite book so far. And that ending !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paris I cannot wait for your story
The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter

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Gideon keeper of lies falls for Scarlet, keeper of Nightmares, daughter of rhea !!!!!!!

I was truly waiting for a lord on lord book and boy this one didn't disappoint.I love how Gena always manages to get the females strong and sensual yet with that kick ass edge and just the right sprinkle of humor.

The whole ideology of having a secret wife ...well secret to you and everyone you know and have her show up is pretty scary. The background for scarlet is truly touching, then the inclusion of steel the son of their past (omg) This book was aweosme and here's why:

"Those piercing blue eyes met her dark black ones, and he took her hands in his. From the first, you enchanted me. You are more than beautiful. You are smart and strong and determined. When I’m with you, I want to be a better man. I want to be worthy of you. I want to provide for you. I want to give you the life you deserve. One day, I will. Because I know, deep in my soul, that to part is to die.”

Tears flooded Scarlet’s eyes.

“Scarlet of the Titans,” Hymen said, a little choked up himself, “please tell Gideon of the Greeks why you wish to wed him.”

While her knees knocked together, Scarlet struggled to find adequate words. Words that would tell this man exactly how she felt. “From the first moment I saw you, I was attracted to you and hated myself for it. But how could I have known that underneath your beautiful exterior was an irresistible mix of courage, passion and tenderness? You quickly proved your worth, and taught me mine. I was a slave, but you made me a woman

The Darkest Surrender by Gena Showalter

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I loved this book but I just have one question: Why was Strider reacting that was to Lysander?????