jhareads's reviews
212 reviews

Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard

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I wanted to like this book but I was bored through most of it. I just kind of feel like there was very little action for a nearly 600 page book. If I read the next, I’ll do it in audio form.
Court of Bitter Thorn by Kay L. Moody

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Just no. I’m sure the plot would be fine had the book been written better. I’ve never thrown my Kindle this much! The words huff and grunt are used way too much. As are the phrases “than before” and “than ever”. I will not finish the rest of the series unless someone can prove to me that the author has bought a thesaurus and has improved her writing.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik

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I seriously wanted to love this book because I loved Uprooted. I tried reading the ebook and then switched to the audio book, but I just couldn't get into it. I personally thought it was just boring and couldn't hold my attention. I think if the chapters were cut down and actually named after the characters rather then having it switch a different POV two times or more just got really confusing (especially with the audio book). I don't know if I'll try to read it again or not.