jkanz's reviews
105 reviews

Mixed Feelings: Poems and Stories by Avan Jogia

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Beautifully human and fully inspirational in its authenticity. I could connect with every part of the human condition in each piece because at the end of the day we are all are more than our race, gender, sexuality, religion, and politics. We are whole. Great read for a slow, Snow-filled October evening in Denver. Cheers
Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz

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I would advise anyone who goes on to read this piece to do their own research and self-education on some of the “evidence” presented here. I truly tried to read this book in an objective fashion. I’m neither an advocate for the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party. Personally, I would consider myself a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican. What irked me as I progressed through my reading of this piece was the apparent cherry-picking that Mr. Horowitz administered in his writing. One example would be his referencing of the 2015 National Prayer Breakfast statement made by President Obama on page 134. And here’s the entirety of the speech: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/02/05/remarks-president-national-prayer-breakfast.
I’m not trying to defend any positions, I just want the entirety of the truth when it comes to such accusations and proclamations made throughout this book. I understand the passion he communicates with throughout his book and where it might stem from but I wasn’t a fan of his execution. It’s important for us as individuals to understand the different perspectives and ideologies of others and where they stem from, especially from those we view as ‘enemies’, if we are to adequately form our own authentic views.
Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms by Hannah Fry

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Hannah Fry, I am beyond grateful that you were able to come out victorious in your daily battles in putting together this wonderful piece in an ever-revolving, exponentially evolving world. I would highly recommend reading this thought-provoking guide while also catching up/ re-watching the Westworld series on HBO. Tread lightly for you’ll face a plethora of existential revelations of our humanity in makeup of the artificial world we’ve built and are continuing to build. This was a terrific experience, by means of the original and modern day sense. I’m in dire need of a beautiful glass of some Portuguese red blend, maybe a bottle. Salut!
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Doug Gillette, Robert Moore

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This ought to be required reading for any male organization, male private schools, male boarding schools and why stop there, it’s a highly informative book not only for the male gender but for all along the gender spectrum. This book will help us realize the root and base of our interactions. Why we act the way we do and fail to act in ways we ought. I truly had to let myself be immersed and dissect it page for page in my continual journey to create the mature masculine within myself.
Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan

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Phenomenal. What a feverish life to live, thank you William Finnegan for sharing your life with us, you barbarous, impactful, and slightly abrasive individual. Salud
Seize the Day by Saul Bellow

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The facts about each one of us are more extraordinary than we care to consider. The day seems to have dragged on for the worst for our protagonist but the intensity of the ending made up for the lackluster, dull build up. We can all feel for Wilhelm, in some way and my soul aches for him. Maybe I see remnants of Wilhelm in me and that’s why my soul aches... Either way, I’m glad to have lived a day in his life so that I can better work towards seizing my own days. Would recommend
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

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I’m disappointed that I’ve lagged in reading this short yet fulfilling, light yet deeply impactful piece. We should all see through Morrie’s lense in our art of living. And Im so thankful, decades later that he continues to live through the messages depicted in this book. We’ll keep dancing for you Morrie, because the music hasn’t stopped. Thank you for the inspiration, you too Mitch. Would recommend, should be required for all ages.
Love Poems by Pablo Neruda

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If it doesn’t feel like this, you deserve better.
Men and Manners: Essays, Advice and Considerations by David Coggins

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Great reminders, easily delivered for those who wish to be initiated in their daily social practices and experience. This book would greatly compliment King, Warrior, Magician. would recommend.
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

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Talk about the absurdity of the final section. Yet so beautifully composed and delivered. I couldn’t help but notice remnants of Dostoevksy’s Notes From Underground. Ellison did an illustrious job in showing us how we truly can’t escape our minds and realities despite how much “gin, jazz, and dreams” we indulge in. Humanity is destined in its diversity yet within that diversity we are conditioned towards conformity. Ellison saw visions of 2020 back in the 50s. Or maybe this is just all a cyclic occurrence of our own doing? As I read this, I also had the opportunity to do some solo traveling through Colorado, Texas, Montana, South Dakota and Washington state. I was able to incorporate the principles of Invisible Man in my observations and experiences of these places with their own realities of what America is. I saw the frequency in which they lived out their truths. Deeply thankful for Ellison in helping me capture that state of being.