jocelynmae's reviews
83 reviews

Crave by Tracy Wolff

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I personally really enjoyed this book, I would go on a whole rant about how people compare this book to twilight when it’s not but that’s besides the point. This book was full of very unexpected plot twists and I was never boy excited to pick up and read this book.
Crush by Tracy Wolff

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I’m going to be honest this one was a bit of a slower read for me though I still enjoyed it. At first it bothered me a bit that Grace was falling for Hudson until the whole Flint and Jaxon thing started, i’m absolutely in love with those two. I absolutely love this series and there is almost never a completely dull moment.
Covet by Tracy Wolff

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Ahhh! I loved this book so much. I love the new characters introduced, I can tell this will probably be my favorite in the entire series. This book was written so well, I enjoyed this book so so much.
Court by Tracy Wolff

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This book oh my god! I love everything about it, and at this point i’m convinced Jaxon and Flint are in a relationship I don’t care what anyone says. I shed so many tears when Calder died and I mean it her character was the best, I can’t wait to see how Tracy continues this book:)
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

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This book was full of so much emotion, I finally gave into reading the book after my sister kept telling me to do it and I’ve got to say that I definitely do not regret it!
It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han

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Safe to say when I picked up to read the book I was not expecting for Susannah die, I loved the plot twists thrown in. I love the kind of book that shock me so much to the point where I have to put the book down and process for a moment and this book definitely did that!
We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han

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i’m gonna be honest, this book let me down. I was pretty excited to see who she finally picked, (though I could easily guess) I really only enjoyed the last 100 pages or so the rest of the book was pretty boring. That’s my opinion though.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

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I’m absolutely in love with this book, mainly sirius and remus..I love them two so much. I shouldn’t have to say much more to describe how good this series is as it is very popular, but this book is definitely one of my favorites out of the series!