jolinsdell's reviews
392 reviews

The Stories of Devil-Girl by Anya Achtenberg, Anya Anchtenberg

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The Stories of Devil-girl tells of a young girls fight to survive. It deals with various types of abuse from her life as a child and that of life on the streets as a young woman.

In an original and powerful mix of poetry and story telling, Anya Achtenberg lays herself bare in this partly autobiographical series of short stories.

An educational eye opener. This moving tale should be used by teachers as a tool. It’s strong message, although full of pain and suffering, is an important one.

The Stories of Devil-Girl is well written and thought provoking. A must read!
Faith Awakened by Grace Bridges

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With her first novel, Faith Awakened, Grace Bridges takes us on a journey into a scary future where hope is lost and into the virtual world of faith. She cleverly mixes Christian and Science Fiction into a thought provoking tale.

Faith Awakened tells the story of two women, Mariah and Faith.
One lives in a world where an authoritarian Government rules and the Earths population has been all but killed off by a plague. Nobody can be of higher power than the government and The Awakened (believers in God) must practice in secret.
The other lives in a very different world where she enjoys the privileges of freedom. We are first introduced to her as a child and from here she starts her search for a special connection with God.
As the story unfolds we find that the two, although seemingly separate, are tied deeply with one another.

Although I don’t normally read this genre of book, I found it an interesting tale that left me wanting to know more about the characters. The plot twists along the way will keep you turning the pages. Although the biblical messages are a little heavy in some places the clever storyline and surprises along the way will keep any reader interested. Faith Awakened is a nice change from the ordinary. Grace Bridges shows she has what it takes with this great first novel.