jonireads's reviews
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A Separate Peace by SparkNotes, John Knowles

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3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows by Ann Brashares

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3 Willows was a good book. It had a lot to live up to thanks to the success of the Traveling Pants series and I think that it will not disappoint. I will say that when I picked it up I was expecting a story very similar to the Traveling Pants books, just with different characters. I was wrong. The novel features girls younger than the Sisterhood. Ama, Jo, and Polly are all 14. Also, these girls used to be friends and they have drifted apart. The friendship between them is very true to life. Everyone has friends that they used to be close with and that they will always feel connected to.
One thing I loved about this novel is that the girls acted their age. They are 14. They are experiencing first kisses and first crushes. There was no crazy partying or sex or drugs or any of the issues that usually are featured in young adult novels. It is difficult to write a book without a controversial topic at the forefront to keep the reader interested, but Ann Brashares pulls it off. The issues in this book are kind of in the background. There is extreme dieting and divorce and low self esteem and many problems that young teens go through. All through out the novel there is a sense of innocence with these girls, the naivety of that age is perfectly displayed.
After reading, I rushed to the website for the book to find out there is going to be a sequel. There will be! According to the site Ann wants to write a sequel to the book but she has not started one yet. I look forward to reading it once it is published!