jordans_not_here's reviews
112 reviews

The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

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The kid seems fine. 
The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh

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Really wish the narrator wasn’t the narrator. 
Pearl by Josh Malerman

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I’m glad I don’t eat pork. 
Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates

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I am not particularly interested in a “redemption” narrative for incels. That is a question for those individuals to ponder. We do not implore the victims of other forms of terrorism to absolve and educate their tormentors. Nor do we require that other extremists be acknowledged as some kind of wounded, misunderstood victims. It is ironic that so much pressure is brought to bear on women to allow for the humanity and individuality of fallible men when it is precisely this courtesy that incels unfailingly refuse to pay to women.”
The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes

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“Sometimes I wonder: Do I want to get well? Is all this fear, all this shit I’m going through now worth it? Or should I bury myself back here in the brain and forget about it?” 
The Push by Ashley Audrain

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It’s just The Bad Seed. 
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

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I’m all for an ambiguous ending, but if you’re gonna kill someone just stick to it.