joshhall12's reviews
49 reviews

Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao

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feel complicated about this book for sure. on one hand, it has a writing style that i can tell is derived from fanfiction, which isn’t necessarily bad but sometimes makes me cringe a bit. however, i think it does discuss very complex issues, like towards the end of the book where Zetian has to decide how to handle her family. when your family has abused you your entire life, do you do them favors still just because you have privilege? do you blame the bystanders of abuse for not helping you, or do you excuse them because they themselves have been abused and manipulated by a misogynistic society? admist the very cool sci-fi world, there are important questions being explore involving abuse and addiction.

the ending is very much the highlight of this book. fucking ripped my heart out xiran jay zhao, i can’t wait for the sequel
Stardust by Neil Gaiman

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I loved this so much. I could possibly point out pacing flaws or whatever but I don’t care. This is a beautiful fairy tale by one of my favorite authors and I’m very happy with it.