josiethompson's reviews
93 reviews

Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

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I have not sobbed this much for a book in a very very long time. Honestly, probably not since I read Redeeming Love or The Nightingale (the book that is actually the reason I love Kristin Hannah). This book was so good. The fact that it was all character development basically the whole time is what made it all the better. You knew these characters so well that you felt like a part of you is gone and lost when you finally close the book.

Honestly tho, the beginning seemed cheesy. I wasn't sure about it. Until I kept going and fell absolutely in love w this book.

I will also say this for my friends out there: this is a very adult book. There are details given that are not necessarily necessary but also I think really added to the love between some characters. So just in case :)
Fly Away by Kristin Hannah

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Okay I was nervous about this one. With it being a sequel and the first book being soooo good, I was nervous that this book would ruin my feelings of the first one. But it didn't. It did like for a little bit, but it redeemed itself.

Most of the book is depressing. But it makes it soooo satisfying when you get to the ending and you've got tears of both joy and sadness in yer eyeballs because of the closure you feel from ALL characters which you didn't necessarily get in the first book.

So overall, I'd give it like a 4-4.5 stars but there's no half stars on here so. That's my thoughts.
Resistance by Anita Shreve

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I was nervous about this book because Aunt Karen said she didn't finish it. But I actually really enjoyed it. Of course there were the more "adult" parts that a lot of people would feel a little uncomfortable with, but I felt it was necessary to explain their quick bond in such a short amount of time. I really enjoyed the pace, the simplicity, and the realistic attributes of this book. The ending wasn't the happiest ending ever but it gave you some closure. So I appreciated that for sure. Overall like a 3.8/5 prolly. Just cuz it was still kinda slow moving at the beginning. And the adult stuff. And the ending. But enjoyed it.
The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers

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Sierra reminded me a lot of myself. So I felt everything she felt very personally. But I do think, as much as I would have done the same, her resentment did not need to consume half the book :). I loved this book and the reconciliation and forgiveness message it bore, but got a negative heart when reading the first half. I was upset and grieving with her, and so I didn't like that it went on that long. But I loved the side by side comparison with her relative through the journal. That gave great perspective honestly. But overall, a 4 out of 5. Definitely a good book.
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

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A very tough read for me honestly. Hard to get into for one, but also it is just very real (and very British. Gotta know the lingo). They don't shy away from sex or cursing or all the real stuff that happens in people's lives and the gossip that ultimately hurts people. It was moving, but also a tough read with a tough ending. Overall did enjoy the book, even if it took me 3 weeks to read :).
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah

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Sometimes I wish I could have some self control and actually enjoy books but instead I read them so quickly because I get so hooked on them. This book made me cry multiple times. So much emotion. My only problem with this book was the extremity of everything. I loved how real it was, but it just seemed like everything that could go wrong did go wrong and you could almost see it coming at every page turn.

I don't let that take away from the quality of the story though. It was an excellently told story that made you fall in love with the characters over and over again. I wish our communities shared the same love and decent human kindness that this community so easily had for each other. Great novel. 4.8/5
Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly

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Really really enjoyed this one. Took me a while just because work has been busy and so I've had less time to read.

Really wnjoyed the subtle romance and yet brutal honesty of how these people lived and the Reds treated the the Whites. Made me sick to my stomach a few times.

I do wish you'd find out what happened to Varinka in the end. I mean it implies, but would be nice to know for sure.

Overall probably closer to a 4.5 out of 5 stars but still thoroughly enjoyed.
Sunflower Sisters by Martha Hall Kelly

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Thoroughly enjoyed this one, as I did the 2 before it. I really enjoyed a switch up of wars for me. I'm very used to reading WWII novels. So a civil war novel was refreshing (or as refreshing as a war novel can get). I just love how Martha gove you the perspectives of the good guys and the not so good guys so you can see every angle. It makes it a much more dynamic storyline to follow. Overall, prolly a 4.3 out of 10. A little slow moving on my end, took me much longer than normal to finish this one.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

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This book only made me emotional when I read the words from Lale's son at the end. Otherwise, this book did kind of read like a script or a screenplay (which is how it was originally envisioned, according to Heather Morris). But it was a very easy read and didn't take me long at all to finish.

Regardless of the ease, the story was quite a wild one. When you think about the lives these 2 led for a few years, it really reminds you how blessed and comfortable we are all the time. And how incredible to go to these places designed for death, torture, and depression, and find the love and happiness of your life?? Wild. Totally wild. God works in some crazy ways.

Anyway. Solid 4 out of 5 for the lack of emotion in the writing. But very good story.
Cilka's Journey by Heather Morris

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Genuinely enjoyed this one. Not that I don't genuinely enjoy other ones, but this was one I got into really quickly. I loved how real the story was and how, compared to the Tattooist of Auschwitz, you could feel what she was feeling and know what she was thinking. I appreciated that insight a lot. The romance and the ending did feel slightly rushed but I still appreciated the closure it brought. Overall a 4.5 out of 5 but there aren't half stars :).