jpgrina's reviews
891 reviews

The Diminished by Kaitlyn Sage Patterson

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Dual POV's are either a hit or miss for me and this was kind of the latter. Like on some chapters, there's so much stuff happening with character A's POV and then character B's not the same. Then vice-versa.

But I got used to it halfway through the story and ended up enjoying the book enough to want to read the sequel.
Garden of Thorns by Amber Mitchell

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So this was surprisingly good.. I didn't really dive in to the details of this book aside from its blurb and the pretty cover that caught my attention.

And this was kind of dark for me, with all the death and torture. The beheadings and severed heads were disturbing. I remember how sad I already was when I just started reading the book. But what's more disturbing? The idea of the Garden. It disgusts me reading about what the Flowers and Wilteds—even the Seedlings—had to go through and put up with.

I really like the people from the rebellion though. I love the relationship that Rose had made with them. Some might be eh but.. still. They're so much better than the ones from the Garden and the emperor.

Another thing I like—well, really like—is knowing that Rayce aka the leader of the rebellion and former heir to the throne loves to bake. I honestly enjoyed the angst between him and Rose and that scene where they were baking cookies was just three fire emojis. It reminds me of that scene in Ghost but instead of pottery, it's baking cookies.

Though I like this book, I got kind of tired with the whole "should I tell him?" to "maybe not" to "I probably should" to "it's better if he doesn't know" and then you just put that on loop. I understand Rose's trust issues and yes, men are trash and can't be trusted but this one.. it's just important to tell him the truth but I will stop here because it gets spoilery.

Again, I like this book and I enjoyed it plus the bond Rose had with her fellow sisters and the one she made with the people from the rebellion is precious. So is her chemistry with Rayce. I still want to read the next book. I WANT IT.
On a Tuesday by Whitney G.

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Again, timeline changes aren't my thing. I'd rather have ONE summarized chapter dedicated to the history of the main characters because sometimes, some scenes seriously don't matter to the characters' present situation.

Anyway this was still a fun and romantic book. I'm fond of second-chances-at-love stories. Although this trope of WHY the characters broke up isn't really new. But still, I enjoyed this.
Pestilence by Laura Thalassa

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Pestilence learning about humans and HOW to feel was both bittersweet and lowkey funny.
“You gave yourself over to me, as I did you,” Pestilence says. “You are mine, mind, spirit, flesh.”

Ugh. Definitely working with an Old Testament God here. Pestilence probably expects two cows and four goats from my father too.

An example lol.

And from what I get.. Pestilence is made of.... pestilence??? But like in a human form...