julia11's reviews
196 reviews

Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill

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4.5 rounded up

Jude Coyne is a middle aged former rock star. Jude is obsessed with all things dark and twisted, including his women. So when his assistant finds a ghost haunting an old mans suit, he can’t pass it up. This starts a chain of events that leads him and his current live-in girlfriend, Georgia, down a long and creepy [night] road.

I really enjoyed this book. I did not find the main character likeable at first but he really grew on me. There’s a lot of heavy subject matter but I definitely found this book very creepy. Joe Hill does such a good job describing the scene without going overboard. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a spooky ghost story and I thought this one was so well done
The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry

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4.5 rounded up
When a little girl, Janie, is found abandoned and roaming a parking lot, everyone at the local hospital is on deck ready to help this child overcome her unfortunate start in life- none more so than Dr. Chris and his wife Hannah. After struggling with infertility for years, they couple decided to take Janie in. With their lives now centred around this damaged child, everything seems to be falling apart faster than they can comprehend.

I loved this book and it would have been 5 stars but the ending just wasn’t enough for me. The POVs change between characters and does such a good job of keeping the reader intrigued- There were so many twists and turns. My love/hatred for the characters ebbed and flowed and I’d find myself SO confused about my own feelings. This whole book had a creepy vibe and I would definitely recommend it.

Mostly what I wanted the most from the ending was a little of Jamie’s POV. Would have been so interesting at the end to see how Janie was feeling or thinking or what her plans were. To see how much she truly understood her actions.
Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

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I didn’t dislike this book but I didn’t love it. It was a weird read and I think it’ll stay with me for awhile but I can’t imagine myself telling someone “you have to read this!” I think after a couple days of sitting with it, I might like it more after I’m able to digest some of the topics and satire. My second Chuck Palahniuk book and it won’t be my last.
The Island by Adrian McKinty

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Tom and his new wife, Heather, head to Australia with his 2 kids for a conference. While out exploring they end up on a remote island, where a sequence of events leads them into a hellish nightmare.

I honestly think it's best going into this not knowing too much. I did and I was constantly surprised and on edge. It really was a tense and wild ride and I really enjoyed it. The author did a good job of having you feel connected to the characters and giving you some background on them without spending too much time doing so. I would have liked a bit more background on the inhabitants of the island and maybe a little more on Heather (I just found her to be such an interesting character).

At first, I was really put off by the kids, the conversation flow and attitudes felt kind of stereotypical and forced but once I got into the book and started learning more about them, it all felt more natural. There were also times when you had to suspend reality and just go with it but overall it was a really fun read! I was surprised that it didn't feel repetitive since most of it took place on a tiny island, but the author found a way to keep it interesting and fresh.

TW- there are some pages I had to skim because there are a couple dogs that don't make it to the end :( But I will note it wasn't too graphic or dwelled upon.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward

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I wanted to love this book. It had all the ingredients but it just wasn't it for me.

Ted lives in the last house on Needless St with his cat Olivia and occasionally his daughter, Lauren. Ted suffers from (mulitple) mental health issues as well as a touch of alcoholism. He eventually gets a new neighbor, Dee, who is looking for her sister who went missing years earlier. Ted's life continues spiraling out of control while under the suspicious watch of Dee.

Honestly, the first 60-70% of this book is the most confusing thing I've ever read. And while it is all nicely tied together towards the end, I just don't think it made up for the confusion at the beginning- I never knew what time frame we were in, and I mean.. there was a religious cat as a narrator.. so there's that. If I wasn't reading this with a book club, I think it would have been a DNF for me simply because I felt so lost. However, the way Ward tied everything up and had it all come together was very clever and well done which is what makes it 3 stars for me. She did so much research on mental health conditions and it shows. Overall, this book wasn't for me, but if you're someone who can deal with the confusion- knowing there's a payoff eventually- have at it!
Woman on the Edge by Samantha M. Bailey

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for goodreads.
I devoured this book. I read it in 8 hours and I did enjoy it. I wasn't blown away by any of it but it was a quick and easy read.

It starts out with Morgan going about a normal day when a woman thrusts a baby into her arms and jumps in front of a train. The POV alternates between Morgan and the baby's mother, Nicole. It's a race to figure out what caused a woman, who seemingly had it all, to the edge.

It was an interesting premise and was very easy to follow. There were times that reality was stretched just a little too much, but the author did a really good job of keeping me guessing. Every time I thought I knew what was happening or who was behind it, my mind quickly changed. I would recommend it to someone who is looking for a quick psychological thriller read.
Travelers by Brett Riley

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I did not realize this was the second installment of a series and I did not read the first book. With that being said though, I was able to catch up and get a feel for the characters. There was enough reference to what happened in the first book to make sense of it
I listened to the audio version of this book and I really enjoyed the narrator. The middle section of the book felt like it dragged a little bit but there was plenty of action at the end. It wasn't a book that, for me personally, I was carving time out of my day to get back to. I never felt fully invested and that could be because I didn't read the first book.
Overall, the writing was well done and the storyline was easy to follow. I think this is a good book for YA who are into fantasy for sure. Definitely look at reviews from others who read the first book as well though!