julia11's reviews
197 reviews

Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard

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This book was super fun as an audiobook! It was such an interesting plot. I did figure out the ending pretty early on but it still held my attention and had me listening any chance I could to see what would happen. I still had some questions at the end, but overall I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a thriller with an interesting premise.
Off the Deep End by Lucinda Berry

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Jules gets into a terrible accident with her son, Gabe and a neighbors child, Isaac. Jules life unravels after she loses Gabe. All the while, Isaacs household is dealing with his survival. He goes into a depression and its tearing his parents, Amber and Mark, apart seeing him so out of sorts. He ends up going missing. Amber is convinced it was Jules, but Jules is adamant she had nothing to do with it. We go along for the ride as they try to find Isaac before it's too late.

I buddy read this with some friends and I really enjoyed the ride. I did not see a lot of the twists coming and it held my attention. The first bit was a little slow, and honestly both mothers in this got on my nerves. But once it picked up, I couldn't stop! We all finished the book early cause we had to know the ending.

I'd recommend checking trigger warnings, this does have a pretty heavy topic involved.
The Last Housewife by Ashley Winstead

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3.5 rounded down.

This book was fast paced and really gripped me, it was well written and I liked the podcast aspect of it. I really flew through this book quickly, it was a really fun read.

However, I am all for suspending disbelief while reading, but I can only do it so much before I'm getting frustrated. I don't want to say too much cause I don't want to give anything away, but its like when you're watching a movie and the main character gets like 7000 bullets shot directly at them and not a single one manages to hit them.. ya know?

Overall though, I'd still say give it a read if you're into the twisty, culty vibes!
Ghostwritten by Ronald Malfi

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3.5 stars rounded up.

Although I wasn't in love with the first two stories, the second two really saved it for me! I loved all the subtle ways the stories were connected. Each story was creepy and unsettling in its own way, but the second two were just more my style! If you're looking for creepy short stories, give this one a try! It's also a book about books.. so you just can't really go wrong.
Ghostwritten by Ronald Malfi

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3.5 stars rounded up.

Although I wasn't in love with the first two stories, the second two really saved it for me! I loved all the subtle ways the stories were connected. Each story was creepy and unsettling in its own way, but the second two were just more my style! If you're looking for creepy short stories, give this one a try! It's also a book about books.. so you just can't really go wrong.