julidelp's reviews
169 reviews

The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adams

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2 ⭐️ okaay so we’re doing this.. first of all, Lucy acted like a 5 year old and for god’s sake she was a mother!! i cringed about her a lot of times. on the other hand, Cooper was a good character most of the time but it didn’t saved the book itself, honestly was a waste of reading for me, could have been better
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

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3.4 ⭐️ i absolutely LOVED Dr. Pritchard
King of Wrath by Ana Huang

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3.9 ⭐️ this was okay, tbh i think i was expecting something more.. idk what exactly

i liked it but it was really VERY similar to the twisted series, and it’s beginning to be exhausted how every male character in ana huang’s stories is almost like cut from the same tree as the others. it doesn’t surprised me so i can’t seem to love the book enough. even if Dante was just behind Rhys on my top favorites from this autor, i wish i could see something more
Glove Save by Teagan Hunter

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2.1 ⭐️ it was boring. i think we all agree on hating one specific scene.. and i almost dnf the book at 80%

my favorite character was definitely Jacob’s mom.. and like.. that’s all you need to know that the story was absolute shit. i didn’t find myself liking neither of both main character’s. i honestly was waiting for more
Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter

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3.8 ⭐️ it was funny and easy to read. lynn painter never disappoints me but i think this book wasn’t particularly for me. i loved the pace, the text’s and the chaos that was olivia.. BUT i didn’t liked her much tbh, she was very rude and when she blamed on Collin without evidence it was a completely hell no for me, like.. i know they didn’t liked each other their whole lives but they were kinda getting along pretty good and it was a little asshole coming from her. but anyways, it was funny and a very quick read
Sin Bin by Teagan Hunter

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3.1 ⭐️ FINALLY a book where the woman doesn’t give up on her dreams, career, etc.. and puts herself first, and the man is the one that chooses her over everything else. i wish we could have seen more about the depth of the characters, it would’ve been fun digging a little bit more into their pasts. on the other hand the pace was good. i’ve already read glove save and i actually didn’t like it (not even a little bit) and this one was very familiar (a lil better), and i suppose the rest of the series is pretty much the same.. but both of them were very very boring for me, nothing interesting really happened. i didn’t hated the characters of Smith and Emilia but i definitely didn’t love them either, they were simply okay.
Flawless by Elsie Silver

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2.9 ⭐️ exactly what i was expecting. although i have to say i didn’t expect Kid to be my favorite character lol. at first i thought he would be a problem between the main characters but it was exactly the opposite, loved him. the plot was good but i didn’t find myself loving the bull ridding so much, i don’t know i guess it’s not my thing; and i can’t help thinking that the plot got lost somehow through the story, the main theme was Summer working on Rhett’s image but at some point that just vanished.
now, Summer: i think she was okay, i mostly don’t like much the female characters at books but she was fine, loved how strong she was and how her story developed.. but didn’t liked how stubborn she was sometimes, mostly as the end was coming. and Rhett: well the man is definitely something.. very hot character but also very kind and sensitive, such a good guy with his people.. i enjoyed reading how Rhett grow up and mature throughout the book.
the romance was definitely not the best. i definitely didn’t liked the “princess” nickname, hated it tbh (nothing against the nickname usually but in this particularly story i didn’t liked it). and i did find annoying the amount of times that it was talked about him jerking off.
i have to be honest here, i read heartless (rate: 4.4) first and i liked it and enjoyed it a lot more than this one.
One Percent of You by Michelle Gross

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4.2 ⭐️ wow like.. i was not expecting this!! omg this book is SO BEAUTIFUL. the story is so cute!! single mom trope is not my favorite but this book it’s just something else. i can’t say much about the main characters, i don’t have any particular objections this time because i just loved so much how their life’s and personalities evolved through the story (but i have to confess that there were some scenes that i couldn’t help but cringe a lot over the situation, the milk thing it’s an example). but i did loved Lucy so much omg and i don’t even like kids that much!! and Eli just melted my heart, for real. so good if u like heart-warming romance
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

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4.7 ⭐️ first book i ever read of this author and oh my god. from the story itself to the author’s note on the very end of the book, holy shit i have no words. i am absolutely amazed. 

the whole plot is incredible, from the moment i read what this book was about, i just wanted to read it so bad, it just caught my whole attention and the possibility of getting into the magical journey that this book is, i couldn’t help myself. i honestly read it as fast as i could trying to make it last forever at the same time. the story was so refreshing, so beautiful.. the background stories blew my mind even though i suspected on so many things that were fact’s at the end.. i was floating on this world bc i really consider this book a magical world tbh; i felt so happy reading it, as i was sad, emotional, excited and really went through every emotion as the characters were going through them. the characters!!! oh god, Analea touched my heart in so many ways, the chemistry between our main characters was so good (they were vulnerable but they find their way to each other so beautifully), the best friends added a touch of reality in this story that is not at all based in reality (as i said, it’s magical), even Vera had her moment!! but anyways, everyone fit so so soooo well. and the best is: short chapters!!!

i don’t know if it is because i’m almost 26 that i felt so connected with pretty much everything that our main character was living, or if it is because my grandfather also passed at the beginning of this year and i’m still very sensible about it (the author’s note got me crying so bad bc i just wish we hadn’t go through these losses, i wish we could’ve known something that we didn’t back then that could’ve helped and make the difference.. but we must accept how things played out and we must live cherishing the good things and memories that we have).

so, it’s a 100% yes from me, i would absolutely recommend this book. and i promise, if you’re anything like me you most likely won’t regret it for a second.