julinino19's reviews
238 reviews

Don't Even Think about It by Sarah Mlynowski

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More like 3.5, but I'll round up. Was it the best book I've ever read with the most solid plot and ending? No, but that's okay. It kept me entertained and I found myself caring for all the characters.
Carry on by Rainbow Rowell

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More like 4.5 but I will gladly round up. I LOVED this book. It was perfect for getting me out of my reading slump. I just finished it and I don't know what to do with myself. A part of me wants to pick it back up again and start all over. I was really impressed with Rainbow Rowell while reading this novel. It was a tough subject to tackle, a "chosen one" going to a magical school, but I think she executed it quite nicely. Unlike her other novels, the story wasn't revolved around the romance. Of course, there was still romance, but it didn't draw away from the plot at hand. The only reason it's a 4.5 instead of a full 5 is because I felt like I needed more towards the end. I got a conclusion but, it just wasn't enough. I needed more. I STILL need more!!!
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

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Wow. I have no words... this is one of those books that is going to stick with me for life. I just finished it and I can't stop crying. Please read this. It will change your life somehow.