jumbledjess's reviews
297 reviews

The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle L. Jensen

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The Bridge Kingdom starts off with one of the most captivating scenes and immediately hooks you. The world is really interesting but towards the middle it slows down and kind of sits there for longer than I wanted. I do find it interesting that this is classified as fantasy when there weren’t any fantasy elements and it’s more of an adventure/fiction story about warring nations and political maneuverings. Overall, I enjoyed it but didn’t love it as much as I wanted to. I’ll def be picking up the next one because I can’t just leave the story hanging like that and I need closure.
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

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challenging dark emotional sad medium-paced


I’m glad I went into this blind because it packed a surprising punch since I had no idea where it was going to go. I don’t know how to describe this book; it’s definitely historical fiction, but has a sci-fi/fantasy element to it as well that elevated the story telling. Kindred is probably one of the most creative ways I’ve seen a story about enslaved people being told. It’s hard to look away even when atrocious things are happening because you become so engrossed in the story. Due to the subject matter in the story (slavery, racism, abuse, violence, rape, and literally so much more) please check trigger warnings, but this book is a powerhouse and will be one of my top books of the year. 
Blood Bonds by J. Bree

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So glad this series is complete because OH MY GOD. 

Normally I have an easy time pacing through a series (nobody likes burn out) but this series literally has me in a vice grip. J Bree, what did you put in these books?! They’ve made me completely feral. Does this mean I’m a paranormal romance stan?! I don’t want to say much for fear of spoiling anything since this was book 3 but just know I’m having a great time and while some of it felt repetitive, this continues to lay the relationship foundation of Oli with her bonds.
Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

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emotional funny hopeful medium-paced


This book was therapy to me. I loved every second of it, even the incredibly hard moments because they felt very real. Parts of this story may seem wild, but they are not that far out from the reality of situations surrounding neglect, child abuse, and complex PTSD (please check trigger warnings!!). I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much while reading a book from start to finish. I wanted to wrap Emma is the most protective hug, put Maddy in my back pocket for constant support, and have Justin be the face I came home to because mans was the most solid, consistent foundation. Truly, to me, this book was perfect; thank you Abby for writing it💖

Thank you to Abby, Forever Publishing, and NetGalley for an eARC of this book. 
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

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dark slow-paced


Definitely a slow burn thriller that is told more from an internal monologue perspective than showing and jumps between multiple POVs. Normally all of this is fine for me but for some reason this felt meh. Some of the twists I was able to catch onto pretty quickly and some were a surprise, but I wanted more. The last 20 pages or so felt like a rush to get the story to come full circle instead of setting it up as it went. Overall not terrible and I’d be willing to pick up another Alice Feeney book in the future, but this was just middle of the pack for me. 
In The Weeds by B.K. Borison

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funny medium-paced


This series feels like the coziest hug. The romance is so sweet and the story feels uncomplicated. It obviously has its drama and tension, but it feels real. Some of the miscommunication in this felt a bit forced which didn’t have the effect I wanted. Beckett is the ultimate softie with hard shell exterior and Evelyn’s quest to “find her happy” was just a lovely story. 
Savage Bonds by J. Bree

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It hit me mid book that the best way for me to describe this series is “Why Choose” X-men. I LOVED X-men growing up so my obsession with this series makes so much sense to me once this thought popped into my head. Savage Bonds found its footing and really focused on fleshing out the characters and plot. I ate this whole book up and basically ran through it. If you’re like me and had issues with the first book but loved the premise, then please keep going because the story in this was addictive. I still have a million questions (like what is the Resistance resisting?! Why are they resisting?!) but there are 4 books to go and the build up has me HOOKED. 
Mother of Death & Dawn by Carissa Broadbent

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adventurous emotional medium-paced


Tell me, little butterfly, what would you do for love?

I don’t know how she did it, but Carissa Broadbent tied this story up so beautifully, -painfully-but beautifully. So much happens in this book and at points I was worried how it would all fall into place, but of course CB did it with a flourish. Much like the last book, there are multiple POVs and epic world building that keeps you on your toes. My heartached for all of the characters because truly you can see why things went the way they did and the choices that were made as an act of love, misguided or not. I don’t want to say too much to give anything away since this is the conclusion to this world, but if you’re worried, this is an incredibly strong finish to an amazing fantasy story. 
This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan

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emotional funny hopeful inspiring medium-paced


This is now a Soledad Charles stan account - no slander will be accepted here because she is the moment. This is my first Kennedy Ryan book (oops that this is the second in the series but thank god it’s still a stand alone) but I’m now a fan because this book HIT. For me, this was more than your regular romance novel. It’s about loving yourself first, loving the person that you are, and the vulnerability that comes with sharing your love with others. Soledad’s journey of self love feels so real and you can’t help but cheer her on along the way. Judah is a dream of a man and a doting father, but Soledad has my whole heart. The depiction of healthy coparenting and autism representation was also so beautiful to see (the author’s comment at the beginning🥹). While not really a typical slow burn, the romance in it kind of is but plenty happens throughout to keep you hooked. 

Also, there are recipes in the back of this book and I absolutely LOVE that detail. I’ll definitely be giving a few of them a try. 

Thank you Kennedy Ryan, Forever Books, and NetGalley for an eARC of this book. 
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace

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I really really wanted to love Belladonna, but it ended up landing kind of middle of the road for me. The story starts off so strong and has eerie vibes that I ate up, but as the story goes on it doesn’t build on that and in some ways moves away from it. There is a mystery element to the story which I wasn’t expecting (and was super happy about) but it also didn’t flesh it out as much as I wanted. Overall, a cool concept but I wanted more. I’ll be continuing the series because I never got bored and I’m holding out hope that Foxglove picks up some of the parts that Belladonna left behind.