juniperjenn's reviews
105 reviews

MonsterMind: Dealing with Anxiety & Self-Doubt by Alfonso Casas

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An important reminder that we all carry monsters, but some people's burdens are a little heavier than others.  And that we aren't "cured" but learn to live with our monsters.  

Discussion guide and a few mental wellness tips were included at the end.  

The art just didn't do it for me, otherwise an important read.  
What's Michael?: Fatcat Collection Volume 1 by Makoto Kobayashi

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
While I appreciate that it's a comic, I didn't like the instances of cat abuse and trauma that was showcased*.  It was meant for comic effect (with a some times anthropomorphic cat)** and definitely not to be taken seriously, but with the fourth such instance in less than 50 pages, it turned me right off.  Not my cup of tea.  

*ex. a character hit his cat on the head because the cat didn't play with him like a dog would; a man brings home abandoned kittens and the woman "gets rid of them".

**The only one of the shorts that I did enjoy showcased talking cats in a 1980s cop drama, complete with 1980s outfits! 
The Cat's Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa by Jonathan B. Losos

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Interesting and chatty look at cats and cat history.  Each chapter was, for the most part, an independent topic rather than a historical trip.  I loved the tangential nature of the footnotes and the author's conversational style overall.  

I did not appreciate his blase attitude towards outdoor cats - I am very much in the indoor-only camp, for the health and safety of both the cats and the wildlife.  That kind of turned me off the last few chapters and thus the book sadly fizzled out from such an interesting start.