k_fitzy's reviews
202 reviews

The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

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what in fucks name pt.2

still such a disjointed story. i still had no idea what the fuck was going on most of the time but damn did i have fun. 

10 years ago i would’ve eaten this shit up istg it would’ve been 5 stars for me. 

don’t get me wrong im still eating it up, the key is to not think critically for even a second. 

this is doing for me what ‘shatter me’ couldn’t. that hype is misplaced because this is the exact same vibe (mid grade scramble plot fantasy) but soooo much better. 

book 3 is already on its way 
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

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what in fucks name-?? 

such a disjointed story. i had no idea what the fuck was going on most of the time. and when i did know what was going on i was not best impressed. that being said... book 2 here i come. 
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

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if you’re wanting a low stakes, no drama, easy read between books that have ripped your heart out and threw it into traffic - this is the book for you.

*the sex was weird tho. just saying. very impersonal and pretty fucking uncomfortable.* 
The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber V. Nicole

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Okay where to fuckin start. So much fucking happened and i honestly don’t know what else to say but damn. 

The fact that book three isn’t already out - pissing me right off 

You know what else pissed me off?? Diana and her fucking mind doors. If you took out the amount of times she ‘locks something behind a door’ in her mind or ‘one of the locks on a door shakes’ in her mind; the book would be HALF THE BLOODY SIZE. 
Omfg it drove me up the wall. It was so annoying I could’ve ripped out hair. 

So other than that I had a good time. Not good as in good, good as in i was unbelievably stressed, felt too much anxiety to pick it up and read it but when i did i  couldn’t put it down. 

- a star for repetition and those FUCKING DOORS. book could’ve been way shorter if the characters had just got a grip. 
You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao

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now why tf did i do this to myself
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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Honestly… i have 0 idea how to rate this.  caught between 3.5 and 4 stars. 

It is definitely good enough for what it is to warrant a 4 star review HOWEVER i’m emotionally too passive about it to give it that high of a rating. 

I liked it. i didn’t love it. i’m not obsessed with it. i won’t keep thinking about it. i have fun in the moment. it was a good book objectively. 
3.5 stars? 4 stars?  3.5 stars? 4 stars?

also understandable hype (shocking tbh cos we all know booktok is a bunch of shite 99% of the time) 

So easy to read, good pacing, realistic dialogue.

And the spice was (ngl unexpected i didn’t realise there was going to be any) probably the least cringe spice i’ve read. realistic, not corny and pretty fucking good.
The characters were decent, developed enough to keep you interested but not so good i’m disappointed it’s a stand alone. I do wish they had a little more personality tho outside science and ‘grumpy man’ ‘sunshine woman’. 

I know this book experienced the extreme booktok hype and then as they usually do, the wave of ‘i actually hated this popular book’. and now people rate it the least favourite of the author so i’m fucking hyped to read more by her. if this is her worst work then shit my bank account is done for.

My negatives are mostly how much i hate when the ‘problem’ is absolutely not a problem and the mc just acts like it is unreasonably. makes me dislike the main character so much. thank jesus it barely lasted. 

Also i could’ve done with some more development in how Olive’s feelings grew. like their one weekly 10 minute interactions were all it took to move her from a lil crush to being in love? i don’t believe you olive. 

I believe adam sure but i definitely have questions. 

anyway overall. i’m happy with it. feeling very content. warm and fuzzy all that shit. just lacking the emotions i need to dole out more of my very stingy stars from my shrivelled heart. 
The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole

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let’s start with the positives:  
the characters were fun (tho there were far to many with the exact same description and a basic ass name that all just blended into the same person for me)

i really enjoyed that the fmc was the ‘evil (but actual softie) one’ and the mmc was the hero. the book was fairly predictable and similar to others in the genre so reversing the stereotype in the tropes made it more memorable and a bit different. 

the story was interesting, it had enough stuff going on to keep me entertained and it missed out some stupid ass tropes similar books include (like miscommunication) so i was nice and happy and content. 

i will be purchasing and reading the next one. am i itching to do it? no. but i’ll get around to it sure because i’m interested in the story and where it goes from here.

now the negatives: 
again. many characters were the same character. similar names. same description. little involvement in the story so they all just merged. 

it was quite predictable. i don’t think it stand out very much in its genre. for what it is it’s fine but it lacks something special. 

the writing was a little juvenile. it could do with some major editing and polishing. felt like a first draft at points. 

the dialogue is as cringe as most other books of the genre. 

i liked Dianna but she was getting a bit of the ‘main character’ edit. everyone seemed to talk about her in weird dialogues that were just there to big her up but they felt unnatural coming from the characters. (it also made me wonder a good few times if she is a self insert of the author - completely opposite vibes but somehow the exact same vibes as good old bella and stephanie) 

overall it was pretty decent. somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars. (probably would’ve got the 4 with an EDITOR!! please writers learn from reviews and hire someone to edit your books im begging you) 
God of Wrath by Rina Kent

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I don’t think Riña Kent had ever heard people speak to each over in real life.