This was such a fun, feel good book. It had a YA feel, and I struggle with a lot of YA books as I grow older, but Brandon Sanderson writes so phenomenally well that I did t struggle at all with Tress of the Emerald Sea.
This book can be read as a standalone. I have only read the Mistborn Trilogy and I had no confusion at all reading this with no other Cosmere knowledge.
Second book of the year to incite multiple cries. Takes a lot to make me cry.
This book is remarkably (haha) and beautifully written, from some very different POVs. How Van Pelt weaves them together is flawless. The book is predictable, but I believe it was meant to be, in a way.
I didn’t pick it up for the longest time because I was super skeptical of all the hype around it. The hype was right. I should have picked it up sooner.