katieohara's reviews
115 reviews

A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller

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I really enjoyed this book. Being a history nerd myself it's often hard to find YA books with an interesting book and a factually sound background. I was stunned that at the end of this book she had a bibliography! She really did her research! I loved the line, "My friend moved to France because the lighting is better." Because that is a legitimate quote from a French impressionist! There are two things that would make me give this book five stars instead of the 4.3 I currently give. One would be drawings, I find it incredibly ironic that Will says books with pictures to accompany it are more well liked and this books only picture is on the book jacket. Some things I felt needed illustration such as the bath house and Lucy's tailor made gowns. The second benefit to this book would be an epilogue. I want to see her party with the WSPU once the first step is taken to women's voting in 1918 or maybe when it completely finishes in 1928. Otherwise this is a phenomenal book, and I recommend it to any girl having doubts on feminism or any struggling artist or in fact any lover of a good book.