katiexlynn's reviews
156 reviews

Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood

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I read this book in one sitting and I genuinely can’t remember the last time I did that. 🥹🫶🏻🥰

This book was IMMACULATE and I loved every single thing about it. The change and growth Elsie experienced within the span of a month was beautiful to see, and it truly spoke to the impactful influence that a person can have on one’s life - as Jack had for her.
The mentioning of Twilight and the comment about 2000s cw show characters had me thriving. All of  main and side characters were lovely, the fake dating sub plot was so fun, and the Adam/Olive/Bee cameos had me screaming. I never wanted this book to end but at the same time I couldn’t put it down. 
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

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Another book by Ali Hazelwood with an amazing set of characters! ✨ 

I absolutely adored Bee and was entranced by her from the very first chapter, and the healing she found from her past was inspiring. 
Watching the way Bee and Levi navigated their past and present was so beautiful. I loved seeing how they both viewed their interactions and their relationship, even if it was in different lights. The plot twist towards the end of the book has me gasping!!! So good! And the epilogue had me bursting with joy! 
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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I don’t even know where to begin because this book was immaculate and had me giddy and flailing from the first chapter! 

I’ve heard of this book and Ali Hazelwood for years, but as someone who has despised science since high school I never thought I’d ever read it…that is until my bestie told me Ali was an auto buy author for her and I should give this book a try to. THANK YOU EMILY, because this book was incredible and I’m going to be thinking about it for so long. The fake dating and pining was a 10/10, the invisible string was stringing, and Adam Carlsen is the grumpy & hopelessly devoted man of my dreams. 
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend by Emma R. Alban

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This was such a delightful read! All of the characters were so lovable and it was such a joy to see how each of their lives played out. I was rooting for all of them to say screw society and find their own happily ever after, and I can’t wait to see how all of the continues in the next book! 

I don’t know that I’ve ever read a historical book like this before, and while it isn’t my favorite book setting - it was still very enjoyable and has me simultaneously wanting to rewatch Reign and finally watch Bridgerton now. 😂
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston

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This was my first buddy read with my bestie, Emily! We had a sleepover and read 75% of the book together & then finished the remainder of it on our own, and it was such a fun and lovely experience! 💕

This book was absolutely phenomenal! The journey that Kit and Theo have been in (both independently and as a duo) was so beautiful to witness, and seeing the ways that their relationship ebbed and flowed was incredibly moving. A lot of their story resonated with me, as well as the ways in which they found healing & growth independently and were able to become better versions of themselves by the time they found each other again. The ending was so good I wanted to simultaneously cry and scream. 

I feel like a changed person because of this line and the current season of life that I’ve been in: “I love this life with an enormity that would have frightened the hell out of me five years ago, because I wouldn’t have trusted myself to keep it”
Life's Too Short by Abby Jimenez

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I absolutely loved this book!!! All of the characters were so lovable and their stories were very moving - especially Vanessa and Adrian - the portrayal of familial trauma and how they grew through it to find healing, the falling in love when you least expected it, and the ”live life to the fullest because it’s not guaranteed” themes were incredibly touching. I loved the appearance of Josh, Kristen, Sloan, and Jason - it made my heart happy! 

I am sad this series is over but it has me very excited for new releases by Abby Jimenez! 
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez

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Sloan’s grief and navigation of life after the loss she experienced was breathtakingly painful in the most beautiful way. It was so real and relatable. I absolutely LOVED the Josh + Kristen snippets in this book and the ways they loved and supported Sloan…also THE EPILOGUE had me deeply emotional at Kristen + Sloan both getting their happily ever afters. 🥹

While I loved the characters and several moments, overall 🫣 this book was difficult for me to keep reading because several plot points just weren’t it for me; however, the characters were so lovable and made it worth it. I am a sucker for love stories, but theirs felt so rushed and codependent that it was difficult to take in and get through at times. I do wonder if that  would’ve been less or more apparent if I had read the book rather than listened to the audiobook. 
The Perfect Son by Freida McFadden

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THIS BOOK HAD MY JAW ON THE FLOOR!!! The plot twists within the book are something that I’m going to be thinking about for quite a long time, and it has me wanting to reread this book so I can pick up on all of the minor details that are overlooked before big things are revealed! 

This was the first thriller/mystery that I’ve read since middle school and it reminded me why I used to love these kinds of stories so much. I still love a good crime show or documentary, but in the form of reading I shifted away from this genre. 

It was my first audiobook that I’ve listened to, and while it’s not my favorite way to read I had a very enjoyable time with this one! 
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

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Wow. The amount of emotions and teary eyed moments I had during this book was overwhelming! The irregular periods and health concerns regarding it that Kristen faced felt incredibly close to home, as I have very irregular periods and am terrified to go get myself checked out. This book has inspired me to make the appointment and deal with whatever results I get. 🥲 Josh was absolutely incredible and I loved him so much - I think he’s in my top three for fav men written by Abby Jimenez!

Brandon and Sloan’s story made my heart ache, but the bond between them & Kristen and Josh made my heart find a sense of healing amidst the pain and grief. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next chapter of Sloan’s life looks like in the next book of the series! ❤️‍🩹
Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings

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There were so many things about this book that I enjoyed; however, the entire time I was reading it I  felt like I was on a rollercoaster of love/hate with the overall story.

Aspects that made me feel emotions to the very depth of my core: the loss and grief of a grandmother who helped raise you and shape you into the person you are today & the insecurities the characters had about themselves and being seen/loved by another person. Topics that it touched on that I absolutely loved and want more of: neurodivergent representation, not shaving body hair, and being a late in life virgin. 

For all of the above reasons, I’m glad I read this book and experienced those things being reflected so beautifully in a novel.