kayla_thebookishmama's reviews
448 reviews

Four in Hand by Alicia Mountain

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I have only ever read one heroic crown of sonnets prior to reading this collection, and I was astonished at the way the poem is constructed. So, when I saw this book was compromised of multiple of this type, I knew I wanted to read it. And let me say, I was not disappointed! Alicia Mountain uses lines that incorporate the somatic to create these phenomenal sensory images to give us the most exquisite details of a bigger picture. The speaker of the poem even says that this book is “a monument to touch/even with its hands in its pockets” and it’s true - the way that these poems make you feel and keep the words pressed close to you, all while feeling effortless (which we all know means that great care and effort were taken) just like that action of slide of hand into the pocket near your hip. I swear that line is going to remain a forever favorite. And if you think that line is great, just wait until you dig in deeper into these pages, because they are filled with all kind of these little nuggets of masterful wording. 

My favorites in the collection were Train Town Howl, and Initial Descent. I’m looking forward to visiting this collection over and over. 

Thanks to the publisher for a finished copy in exchange for an honest review.