kbeers98's reviews
84 reviews

Dance Nation by Clare Barron

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This is the strangest play i’ve read in my whole life, i loved it. Come see Dance Nation by Definitely Human Theatre ❣️
Here's to Us by Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli

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FINALLY gay boys get their happy ending, straight people get their happy ending, everyone gets their happy ending. I’m gay, i’m happy. You should be happy too, because the boys are winning
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

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I’ve had this book since middle school, and I read it every so often when I want to feel something. Besides Rachel’s body image issues / fatphobia she’s actually quite likeable. I think truthfully that there are no moral absolutes and that Rachel and Dex are not the devil reincarnated for having a genuine love-fueled affair. While Darcy is a mean person, she also cheated and is happier. Also if you chose to only read this without reading Something Blue you’re a coward lmao. My last point is that sometimes drama and scandal and poor choices is fun to read and I will unapologetically love this book forever. Also the movie sucked
All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks

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Absolutely life changing book that altered my perceptions of love in all the beautiful multi-faceted ways that it presents to us. A great read if you’re looking to grow your safe and secure interdependence with your community and network. This book shined a light on the ways that love acts and behaves as a devotional and a service to those around us. The ways in which I am experiencing genuine love felt highlighted and the ways in which I am experiencing loveless relationships felt heavier. If you’re not ready to address the ways in which people aren’t loving you well, I don’t recommend this book. If you prioritize romantic love over your everyday partnerships and communities, I recommend this book 100 times over. The deep realization that love is as love does and that no form of love whether romantic or platonic should be weighted higher than the other has added such a feeling of peace and safety in my own body. Reminding the world that it is not a crime to long for love; nor it is a weakness to admit the ways in which our modern consumer culture encourages lovelessness and emptiness.

Two minor critiques in that it is very god-heavy! bell hooks loves god. That is 100% okay but it doesn’t leave a lot of room for spirituality and other religions. Also it is very binary, those who are not men or women (myself being non-binary) may have trouble connecting to the narratives as well as other genders. I personally felt comfortable relating to the narratives surrounding my AGAB because those are the love pitfalls that I personally had been socialized to believe. Everyone will connect with something different though that’s just my connection
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them by Jason Stanley

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Incredible dense and difficult read, yet one of the most important books of my life. In these tumultuous political times it’s so important to be able to recognize fascist ideology and the reasons behind it and goals of fascist rhetoric. I must say it took me a long time to read fully because it is so emotionally and cognitively challenging. Don’t give up on it, the reward of finishing such an intellectually stimulating book far outweighs the frustration of trudging through it!