kearstinreading's reviews
42 reviews

The One Night by Meghan Quinn

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The One Night gives a beautiful glimpse into the beginning stages of Nora and Cooper's relationship, providing the fun and lighthearted (with a sprinkle of spice) background missing from The Reunion.

I absolutely fell in love with Nora and Cooper's relationship while reading The Reunion, so I couldn't stop myself from wondering about the night everything first changed between them. Nora was best friends with Cooper's ex-wife, so what prompted the couple to take this step? Had something always lingered between the two, or did the spark develop once his divorce was finalized? Was this as scandalous as my brain made it seem?

The One Night answers all of those questions and more, taking my love for this couple to new heights. It's a quick and easy read, but nonetheless delightful.
A Not So Meet Cute by Meghan Quinn

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To be honest, I didn't have high hopes for this book. I might be in the minority, but I don't love the fake dating trope - it's a little worn out, in my opinion. However, when written the right way...

This book was definitely written the "right" way.

There are several twists and turns I didn't see coming - and scenes that made me outright belly-laugh, much to my sleeping husband's chagrin. Sprinkle in some definite SPICE and you have the makings of a memorable, well-written book I highly recommend.

Not only will you love these two characters together, I can guarantee you'll fall in love with them separately. I finished the look two days ago & I'm even hung up on two of the "background" characters, crossing my fingers they'll be receiving their own book soon!
One of Us Is Dead by Jeneva Rose

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I cannot recommend this book enough. Five stars won't even begin to cover it.

I'm rarely a fan of books that frequently change POV, but Jeneva Rose had me absolutely hooked from the first page. Each character has her own distinctive voice, personality, and demeanor - I found myself excited to turn the page to find out whose perspective I would be reading next. Jenny, Olivia, Karen, Shannon, Kristel - every single person fascinated me, pulling me into her little slice of Buckhead.

The twist, too - O.M.G. I won't say much, but know that I absolutely didn't see it coming. Every time I thought I had the mystery unravelled, a new piece unveiled itself and I fell even more in love.

10/10, highly recommend.
Never Never: The Complete Series by Tarryn Fisher, Colleen Hoover

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I’m rarely a fan of books that alternate POVs, but I absolutely loved the way this book was written. Every time the POV would change, I was excited to read where that particular character’s psyche was at, how the character was developing, and whether either of them were any closer to solving the mystery.

Captivated from the first page, I found myself staying up late to read the next chapter. The characters are interesting - Charlie, in particular, had fantastic character development - and their situation even more so. Definitely going to return to this one for a second read at some point.