kintara81's reviews
1696 reviews

Murder Most Remote by Mona Marple

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These books get better and better.
Water Moon by Samantha Sotto Yambao

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This is one of the most whimisical reads that I have read this year. It is one of the stories which will stick with me for a while. I loved the characters that the author has created and the world that they exist in. She has taken something which all readers will recognise - the idea of regrets - and the what if's that come from thinking about the outcomes which could be arrived at. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.
A Valentine's Kill by Mona Marple

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These little novellas get better and better. I am loving to follow Sandy's story and watch her build on her relationships with her friends. She has a tendency to get her self involved in police matters .... however in this one we see that she has started to form a friendship with the DC in charge of the investigations. This has helped to develop the village life and we even have a little black fluff ball in this one. He will end up staying ..... I hope. I can not wait to move on with this story
The Marriage Act by John Marrs

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The was a weird book and gives the reader and insight into what the world of tomorrow could look like. It is a scary premise that every aspect of life could be controlled by AI however is this one of the possible futures. We follow multiple POV's who are on different sides of the Marriage Act scenario - from being for it, against it and everything in between. We watch as John Marrs entwines all of these POV's expertly together until we get to the end and there is an explosive conclusion. He writes characters which are carbon copies of what a person is in real life and they act in realistic ways instead of making unrealistic choices which dont make sense. I am looking forward to reading more from Marrs in the future.
A Tale of Two Bodies by Mona Marple

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It was so good to be back with Sandy and the crew in Waterfell Tweed. There is another caper afoot and Sandy gets involved even when she shouldn't. I am able to see the growth of the characters and see how they have changed between the books. I love the village setting as it reminds me of the village that I live in. I can not wait to move on to the next book in the series.
Janie's Hope: Book 3 in the Southport Series by S.R. Fabrico

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This was amazing ... not having read the first two books, this did not hamper my enjoyment. I loved this story so much and now feel that I need to go back and do a binge read of the full trilogy and find about the full story of Janie. The author has created a cast of characters which all center around Hope and what has happened in her family. I loved that the characters had complexity and also acknowledge that they are not perfect and have faults. She then put these in the real world location and this enhances the story so much. I can not wait to read more from this author.
Once Upon a Crime by Mona Marple

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I loved this first book in a new cozy mystery series and I loved it so much. Mona Marple writes such great characters and settings. I need more from this series.
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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I really enjoyed this second chance romance and how you can fall in love again even after a bad break up. We follow our main character Daphne after she has been betrayed by her fiance months before the date of their wedding. This then follows her making plans to move on and finding out that she can love again. We have the miscommunication in this book when she is unable to convey her feelings to people that have let her down and this almost breaks her. Emily Henry can write relatable and realistic characters who will draw you into their story which is a sign of a fantastic writer. I can not wait to continue with my journey through her works.
Aged to Perfection by Niloufar Lamakan

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 This is the book i need being a Bridget Jones' Diary fan, this has scratched the itch that i have had since then. I love Sophia and how she gives her a new outlook into her life and dating status. We follow her as she set herself a challenge which a friend has suggested and how this goes over the year. We follow her as she meets new men and starts to find out what she likes and love. The author has created a main character who the reader is able to imagine and is realistic to read about. This is something which can sometime be missing in a romance .... Well Done