kintara81's reviews
589 reviews

Killing Nan and other crime short stories by Keith Wright

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This was a well crafted collection of crime stories which had me gripped and there were some I didn't enjoy as much as other. The characters were well constructed and very believable. Some of the stories were very jarring and so realistic that they had me feeling for the victims - there was even a story which I had to skip due to the content of this as it was a trigger for myself. I would advise that if people are going to read this then check the content and then they will be able to miss that one out. Even with this - I have already sent the ebook to some others to read in my IRL book club as i think this is a ideal book for them.
Husbands: Love and Lies in La-La Land by Mo Fanning

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This was a true chance encounter romance - Kyle our main character marries a Hollywood Director in Vegas and comes home after being assured that the marriage will be annulled. This then leads to a twisty tale of husbands, fiancés and lawyers when he receives a call to say he is still married and his husband is in a coma. Kyle then goes on an adventure and meets Noah, this leads to a tension filled story. Kyle falls in love and learns to trust another person only to have the rug pulled out from under him. Mo Fanning has lead me through the pages and i didn't want to put this down until the last page - then when i got to the last page i was left wanting more of Kyle's story. Please, Please write a sequel.
Black Mark by Spencer Paul Thompson

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This was an interesting read which I didn't know I was going to love as much as I did - so much that I consumed this in one sitting. To think this is Paul Spencer's debut novel and if I hadn't read this in the author's bio then I wouldn't have known. This was written to be a redemption story for the main character after the downfall of his marriage and his career. He becomes involved in a case involving his friend and this drag him unwittingly back into the field and he loves it. I can not wait to see if we will be getting more from the author and this gets turned into a series to rival Alex Cross.
All in Monte Carlo by Anna Shilling

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OMG the drama in this book was first class and the characters were on point. I loved these ladies and the fact that they used a book club as a facade for their own revenge therapy group - or so it seems at the beginning of the book. This heat up fast and the speed of the storylines of the 4 ladies and how they intersect kept me hooked until the last page. This book is full of plans of revenge and intersecting relationships which mean you sometimes don't know which main character you are following. I need more from these ladies and I am asking Anna Shilling for a sequel.
Specular (IXI Press, #1) by L.K. Brooks-Simpson

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To quote Taylor Swift - "Its must be exhausting rooting for the Anti-hero"

This is how this book made me feel, We have a main character who presents with DID - a well known mental illness which affects lot of young people in the world. The author of this has done an amazing job in this story to make sure everyone knows how this presents and how the diagnosed patients feel. This was a very well written story which give us a storyline which shows us how relationships are formed and how people can be pushed aside while they are suffering. We see in this story that the sufferer gains control over this and building strong relationships while fighting their demons. People need to read this story and I can not wait to see where this series goes.
The Last Refuge by Christina Bacilieri

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This is an updated version of The hunger Games with shifting characters - which is awesome. I loved the writing style of this book and it grabbed me from the beginning and I couldn't put this down once I started it. I want more of this series and can not wait for Book 2 in this series. This hybrid genre of Fantasy meeting Dystopia - this is something I am on board with and I need more. This is also one of the prettiest covers I have seen in ages.
The Advocate's Conviction by Teresa Burrell

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I love Sabre and all her colleagues - however Teresa Burrell had me by the throat with this book. OMG I was on the edge of my seat and cried tears of joy and sadness depending on what was on the page. This was a compelling storyline and the twist of who was involved in the plot took me for a loop. I love the writing style and this was one of the many reasons that i read this in one sitting. I can not wait to read the next book in the series.
Star Lost by Amy Marie Ayres

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I am not entirely sure how to write about this book, it had one of my fears put down on the pages. This is a Dystopian society disguised as a Utopian society where books are eradicated and illegal to own - NOOOOOO. We follow Luccee who lives in the society which is set in 2076 and she is concealing her mother diary from everyone else until she meets someone who she trust and forms a bond with. This society has a practice of Erasure - the practice of erasing memories from the brain - to ensure that the society stays under control. We follow Luccee as she struggles in society and how she fairs under the strain of this oppressive society. I can not wait to read the next book in the series to see how Luccee overcomes this.
Elephant and Castle by Hannah Ledford

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This was a very enjoyable read for me as I was bought up going to London every couple of weekends and visited some of the places which are mentioned. I loved Nora and her self imposed love triangle which she has to fight her way through to find her true feelings for one of the men. The author handles the subject of a family member being sick with Cancer and how this can effect relatives life. This is a very enjoyable book which is perfect for the summer.