kitsuneru's reviews
94 reviews

God of Pain by Rina Kent

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dark emotional funny sad tense


i love this book so much. i love creighton so much. yall can’t make me hate himmmmm. he did all the things annika liked bc he knew it would make her happy even though he doesn’t like doing them.
he ate her food yall even if it tasted like shit. THEY DANCED AND KISSED IN THE RAIN

the angst in this was so good. i don’t blame annika for what she did but i also don’t blame creighton for what he did. i think they were both in such an unfortunate circumstance and it just sucked. 

the only thing i didn’t like about this book was the whole island arc. at least in the beginning, idk it was just so random and it felt off and out of place. i hated it. but the very last day they were on the island was exactly what we needed. so so good. 

eli and creigh’s sibling relationship is so so sweet and it made me soft and gah eli cared about creighton so much it’s so heartwarming.
also the entire king family loves creigh sm it makes me so happy that they see him as their family member and not an adoptee
. aiden and elsa’s love for him was so good to read, im so glad aiden’s a good father and elsa’s a good mother. 

creighs friendship with remi is so so sweet also, even though they’re cousins, they have so much love for each other. when creigh said
“you are important to me, remi”
i literally almost sobbed. 

i love creighton so much he’s my fave character rn with remi and eli. this was such a good book. annika and jeremy also have such a sweet sibling relationship. i love annika too. love love love this book sm.
God of Malice by Rina Kent

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dark emotional funny sad tense


killian carson is psychotic but that’s part of his charm. what a start to a book, i was literally like 😀 when i read that cliff scene. bc wtf. but like other than that it was fine. 

killian is so hot and obsessed and gah his jealous and possessive scenes had me blushing and screaming. 

the heathens friendship is so aww and the fact that the kids of the royal elite couples also have their own gc and they’re all great friends. gah my heart is so full.
also the little snippet we got of the og royal elite boys gc at the end was so cute and funny and i miss them.
every time they were mentioned i was squealing. 

i love landon. i love him fr idc if he’s a psycho too i love him. i love all the king boys tbh. also nikolai and jeremy im so in love. 

one thing that annoyed me was how glyndon
hated landon for the same reason she loved killian?? like they’re both psychos but you can understand and deal with killian but you can’t do that with your brother??
like she’s such a hypocrite for that. 

but other than that it was a good book and i love killian and glyndon. poor levi, ik he has a permanent migraine from killian but he had it coming for being a menace during his teenage years LMAO. good book. 
Consumed by Deception by Rina Kent

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dark emotional funny sad tense


such a good ending to the trilogy. the beginning pissed me off but i do have to give lia some credit for changing and becoming a badass that stands up to adrian and fights for what’s right. 

their communication skills in this book were so much better. but it pissed me off how
she still hid the fact that she knew luca and talked to him and knew about the assassination attempt. and the thing that really pissed me off about that was that she got so mad at adrian for getting rid of ryan and not telling her and she was like, how could you keep that a secret and not tell me, like girl you are doing the same exact thing. in fact your case is worse bc at least adrian did it for you and as revenge but your secret is about an attempt at adrian’s death. like girl that’s crazy how you’re getting so mad at him and then she goes on about how she hates how he’s killing people, like girl you KNEW he’s in the mafia, what did you expect????

but after she got over that debacle, the book was amazing. loved it. she was so badass marching into the italian territory and demanding to speak to the don. also her friendship with yan is so adorable. i love the found family she has with adrian’s guards and stuff, it’s actually adorable and so heartwarming. i love adrian, he is so perfect but flawed but perfect. great book.
Tempted by Deception by Rina Kent

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dark emotional sad tense


the backstory. i still have many questions. also all adrians and lias problems would’ve been fixed if they swallowed their pride and actually talked. instead of being quiet whenever a question is asked, making it seem so suspicious or if they didn’t fuck in replacement of talking things out or if they just didn’t flat out lie?? like lia wtf are you doing?

i just don’t understand why adrian didn’t tell her why he was acting the way he was and
lying to sergei.
even though it’s a dick move, i get where he’s coming from. 

and idk why lia doesn’t understand that her life is in danger now. and then she goes and gets so upset with adrian when he doesn’t do smth she likes but she literally send him so many different signals. a headache all around. i applaud adrian’s patience. 

it also has one of my least favorite micro tropes of all time. the one where the girl knows the man’s job is dangerous, falls in love with him but then when they see it first hand, they hate the man and wants to leave. like girl you knew what you were getting yourself into and yet you still got yourself into it and now it’s suddenly such a big problem.

lia is really insecure she’s always talking about idk if he loves me, but then will have paragraphs after paragraphs explaining all the things he does to care for her. like girl. 

i’m just ranting at this point but i swear there were more things i did enjoy about this book and i liked it. it was entertaining and i love adrian and lia, if only they had better communication skills and if lia would open her eyes and stop playing victim for everything bc half of them she is to blame for why happens to her. but i love them.
Vow of Deception by Rina Kent

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dark emotional tense


i have so many questions. i’m so confused. but the cliffhanger was great, im excited for this series. i love adrian i love him sm. he cares about her sm and he so gentle with her, mostly. but he’s literally so perfect. this series is off to a great start.
Throne of Vengeance by Rina Kent

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dark emotional sad tense


i feel mediocre about kyle. he was getting better in this book
after i learned about his backstory but then he had to go and change the fckn birth control pill and then i hated him sm afterwards.
he apologized and acknowledged he messed up with that ig. rai was pissed, understandably but she forgave him so quickly. idk i wasn’t satisfied with that. he should’ve groveled or smth. 

idk how i feel about kyle. he’s just alright. maybe slightly less than alright.  i like damien more than him tbh. 

also rai is all bark and no bite with him, she kept going on about how kyle would see her wrath if he left her and she didn’t do shit when he did. she might as well be begging him to come back. 

also what was the point of making such a big deal about how kyle was gonna destroy the irish and russian mafias in the first book even if rai wouldn’t be happy bc he would force her to join him if he was gonna change his mind so quickly when rai said not to kill the russians. like what else did he think she was going to say. what happened to you making her join you no matter how she feels.

the ending snippet was cute with nikolai and mia and maya. and that small appearance of reina and asher, they’re the only reason why im giving this a 3.
Throne of Power by Rina Kent

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dark emotional tense


i did not enjoy this book as much as rina’s other books. like i was expecting something different with this book because rai is a mafia princess and she doesn’t let the 4 kings in the bratva bring her down for being a women, like she’s badass but then suddenly she forgets those qualities about her she folds so easily for kyle. like she remembers them but she doesn’t really do anything about it. im just like girl, stand up. why can’t we get a book with a badass girl who doesn’t fold for the man so easily. 

like i get the men are all powerful and get what they want blah blah but at least have the women put up a good fight before folding. let the man struggle for longer than 5 chapters. i just don’t like kyle, i get that he is obsessed with rai but i dont trust him at all, why would you ruin the one thing she loves. i hope he redeems himself in the next book
bc rn i refuse to believe this is nikolai’s father.
All the Truths by Rina Kent

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challenging dark emotional sad tense


the plot twist reveal in this one was insane. every plot twist in rina kent books are insane but this one i wasn’t really expecting there to be a plot twist so when the reveal happened i was even more shocked. 

but fuck that younger sister. such a bitch i can’t believe she would kill herself to just to make sure reina and asher wouldn’t be together like talk about psychotic. telling reina that she had a crush on her brother???? like why again with the siblings pls rina this is your only flaw. asher’s apology after the reveal was much needed because he was such a dick to reina.

 i feel bad for reina though because she was holding so much on her shoulders and she couldn’t even talk to anyone about it. her sister is so badass though. i wish we got more interactions with reina and asher and naomi and lucy and owen and sebastian. like it was only told that they got closer and never really shown at least between reina and owen and sebastian. i wanted another cute friend group moments but we never really got to see much of it. only a few scenes. 

the aiden phone call made me miss aiden so much. and the cole and elsa mention made me miss them all sm.

it was good duet overall. asher and reina are so adorable together.
and also the fact that asher only liked reina, not her sister even when he didn’t know they switched places long time ago. and when he saw rai and just knew it wasn’t reina even though they are identical.
my heart melted. 
All the Lies by Rina Kent

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challenging dark emotional tense


i hate the amnesia trope so much but this one wasn’t too bad. i’m just confused the entire time. 

i have so many questions and so many theories but bro. asher is such a dick and like i get that previous reina deserved it but still it was so heartbreaking. it wasn’t a bad book, it took me a bit to get into it because new characters and stuff and also it’s an amnesia trope out of everything so im just extra confused but i still enjoyed it.

previous reina is a bitch tho. i love naomi and lucy and owen. there’s not much to really say bc not much was answered yet but good book. 
Royal Elite Epilogue by Rina Kent

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funny lighthearted


such a great wrap up to the series. i love how there was a chapter for each couple for every part. it satisfied all my needs. i’m gonna miss this group of friends so much. ik they’re gonna be in the legacy of gods series but im gonna miss them being the main characters. 

i love love love their friendship so much, it’s so beautiful and funny and it makes me so happy that they’re still amazing friends even after a decade and nothing about their friendship and banter has changed and that they all still care about each other so much. 

this just gave me everything i needed and more. i love this series and the character so much. 100/10 recommend. even though the individual books might not be five stars, the series overall is 5 stars.