kittycat2302's reviews
995 reviews

The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory

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I really enjoyed this trip back into the time of the Tudors and Henry VIII; 3 stars rather than 4 mostly because The Other Boleyn Girl outshone it quite a bit. That being said, I loved Anne of Cleves as she was portrayed, and grew to feel sympathy for both Katherine Howard and Jane Rochford Boleyn, shockingly. I never expected to like either of them, but as the story progressed, you couldn't help feeling badly for "Little Kitty Howard," who was, at the end of the day, perhaps one of the only *real* children in this time and in that family.

Props to Gregory for making me go to wiki last night and try to learn a bit more (mostly trying to discover if Thomas Howard, the Duke of Norfolk, ever got what was coming to him) of history and for making me at least consider picking up some biographies rather than just more historical fiction!
Ford County: Stories by John Grisham

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Some of these stories were compelling, heartwarming, and thoroughly enjoyable- in an entirely different way than Grisham's usual books. Some felt a bit too much like the rest of his collection in their formulaic approach. Some felt like the story was just getting started, just getting really good, and then they ended. All in all, an enjoyable collection of stories, if a bit inconsistent. "Michael's Room," "Quiet Haven," and "Funny Boy" ranked up there as among the most compelling I've read, however!
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Bret Witter, Vicki Myron

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When I first started this book, I didn't really expect to like it that much- initially, it was a woman talking about how great her cat was. But as I kept reading, I found myself really drawn in and attached to Dewey, somehow understanding that this cat was special. By the time I got to the end, I had been on a bit of a roller coaster. It's definitely a several-tissues-necessary ending, but ultimately worth the read, I'd say. Myron also does a deft job of interweaving her own life, and the life of Spencer, Iowa, throughout the book.. in the end, it was not "just a book about a cat." Check it out of your local library- Dewey would want it that way!

If you love cats, you'll more than likely enjoy this book. And need a box of tissues.