kiyahisfiyah's reviews
55 reviews

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

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took me a minute to read just because i was reading like 3 different things and also school work but i did enjoy the book. obviously this isn’t supposed to be in the perspective of the girls and i love that we didn’t know a lot about what was happening inside the house. it kinda kept you guessing what was actually happening like why were these girls ? like this why were the parents like this ? yk like the conversations the sisters would have amongst themselves what were they about? and things of that nature. seriously though if the book was in the girls perspective idk how well the author would’ve been able to show them.

also if you think about it this entire book is mostly speculation based on observations so we’ll never know the result truth of the events. the interviews everyone views interactions differently so who’s to say if that’s what really happened between the girls and those boys. how do we know they are telling the truth? this book just raised a lot of questions for me in terms of depression and anxiety and mental health all around.

spolier but i mean not really it’s in the title

when they all kill themselves in a specific way i wonder why they choose those ways like why would you choose to stick your head in an oven or hang yourself why not just take a bunch of pills it’s easy smoother less hurt but like maybe they wanted to hurt themselves they wanted to feel the pain of death … that was kinda okay i’m done now

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

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i loved this book omg i was like on the edge of my seat the whole time. every-time i listen to murder podcast or anything where the clues don’t add up it gets me so mad so me reading this i was so angry like omg it’s no way it just doesn’t make sense. and the end when it all connected i was left satisfied cant wait to read the next 2 books also the little romance through the book was so cute

it literally felt like a tv show in my head. i imagined this as like a little kinda pll mixed with nancy drew vibe and ugh loved
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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wtf was that ending... I think this book definitely needed to be longer.
There wasn't really any reason for either of their actions, it needed more substance but I guess you can't get it with the writing style they choose to write the story in.

This was such wasted potential to explore this kind of manipulation and deep dive into the psychology behind it. Like dig into why she wanted her to sleep naked with the AC on blast because where did that come from? how does that even come to someone’s mind? yk what i’m saying
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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tbh i understand why people wouldn’t like this book i had the advantage of seeing the show first which made me really excited to read the book.

she writes such brilliant deep characters. she doesn’t make Marianne or Connell the bad guy in the relationship they both have their faults unlike many romantic books and movies i’ve seen there’s always a clear favorite protagonist in the relationship. this book really just shows how things in your life you might not even realize can and will shape and effect your relationships for years to come.
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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tbh i knew toby wasnt dead from the second they specified disappeared instead of dead but i wasnt expecting him to be harry
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh

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fastest i’ve finished a book in recent memory it was so good. i think this is one of the only books that can reference so many movies and shows and make it fit in and not cringe and i love that.

i related to both the narrator and reva is different ways which i didn’t expect when i first started the book

i enjoyed the writing style, like i’m usually not a fan for super long chapters like i think the first chapter was like 50 pgs which crazy imo but she did it so well and i cant wait to read more of her work!
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

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i think i’m pretty good at guessing plot twist but when i tell y’a i was reading this at work and my mouth dropped open