kiyahisfiyah's reviews
55 reviews

Magical Negro by Morgan Parker

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i been finished this but i forget i logged it in the first place lmao

anyways i read this for my language class and i really did enjoy a lot of the poems and i’m excited to write my essay on the themes of race and loneliness.

update - it’s one my favorite essays i’ve ever written
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

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something this booked lacked on was the ending.
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

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pretty okay start to a series imo if i didn’t watch the show or hear about this and the only thing i had to go off of was this first book i probably wouldn’t get the second one
Flawless by Sara Shepard

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okay this one was sm better it actually made me wanna read the rest of the series!! imo so much better than the tv show